Disclosure of Origin discussion paper
Published: 5 Dec 2018Disclosure of Origin of genetic resources and traditional knowledge in the patents regime
PDF, 353KB, 32 pages
Disclosure of Origin of genetic resources and traditional knowledge in the patents regime
PDF, 353KB, 32 pages
Issues Paper: Review of the Plant Variety Rights Act 1987
PDF, 1.8MB, 96 pages
Seeks agreement to release a discussion document on whether existing protections for both businesses and consumers against unfair commercial practices need to be strengthened.
PDF, 59KB, 7 pages
Seeks submissions for the review of the Copyright Act 1994. Includes purpose, objectives and basic concepts of copyright.
PDF, 3.8MB, 135 pages
Issues paper asking for submissions in the review of the Copyright Act. Identifies problems with the way the Copyright Act operates, opportunities to improve its operation and where the Act works well.
PDF, 3.8MB, 135 pages
Review of the Copyright Act 1994 issues paper.
PDF, 3.8MB, 135 pages
PDF, 1.7MB, 2 pages
This document sets out the funding recipients for Rounds 1-6 of the Maintaining the Great Ride Fund awarded funding by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.
PDF, 259KB, 16 pages
Guide to preparing an effective submission for the Copyright Act 1994 review.
PDF, 1.3MB, 1 page
This strategy sets out how the government will work with the tourism sector, iwi, local government, communities and other stakeholders to take advantage of the opportunities offered by both international and domestic visitor growth, and to manage, mitigate or avoid the impacts.
PDF, 2.5MB, 56 pages
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