Final Decisions - DDI Realignment 2024 Reducing the number of Capability Lead Business Analysis posi...
Published: 2 Jul 2024Final decisions for reduction in role process
PDF, 223KB, 8 pages
Final decisions for reduction in role process
PDF, 223KB, 8 pages
Outlines proposed changes to some teams in Data, Strategy and Knowledge, Data, Insights and Intelligence, Partnerships and Programmes, Digital Solution Delivery, Technology and Architecture and Digital Operations
PDF, 1.2MB, 109 pages
Outlines the final decisions following consultation of the proposed approach to implement the Government
PDF, 1MB, 46 pages
Details a number of proposed changes across the Group Performance directorate.
PDF, 407KB, 18 pages
Sets out proposed changes to the structures of the business support functions under the Chief Operating Officer Immigration (COO) and the General Manager Immigration Risk and Border (IRB) required to support their branches effectively, and the operations support function under the Deputy COO to enable it to support frontline visa operations effectively.
PDF, 404KB, 19 pages
Outlines decisions following consultation on the proposal to better align functions in Immigration Health within the Immigration Risk and Border Branch.
PDF, 323KB, 13 pages
Sets a proposal to better align functions in Immigration Health within the Immigration Risk and Border Branch.
PDF, 391KB, 14 pages
Outlines the final decisions that have been made following consultation on the proposal to create a new MBIE Customer Service Centre, bringing together the two current Service Centres and the Operations Support teams, within the Engagement and Experience branch.
PDF, 494KB, 29 pages
Confirms the changes and implementation approach required as a result of the Government
PDF, 1.2MB, 16 pages
Outlines the proposed approach to implement the Government
PDF, 299KB, 20 pages
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