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New Zealand Research Information System Technical Documentation - Data Specification V2.01

Published: 17 Sept 2020

This document provides a view of the data supplied to, used by, and accessed via the New Zealand Research Information System (NZRIS). It also provides guidance for partner organisations to assess the way business operations may need to adjust to enable data sharing with NZRIS, and the types of information likely to be available from NZRIS. This is version 2.01, published September 2020.


PDF, 2.6MB, 169 pages

Archived Loomio forum discussions

Published: 8 Sept 2020

In September 2018, the Better for Business (B4B) team within the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) facilitated a digital forum discussion on the “Better Rules, Better Outcomes” methodology and its applications. The forum brought together a community of government officials, academics and business professionals who shared their opinions, ideas and supplementary resources. The forum has now been closed and this document contains the discussion threads from the discussion forum.


PDF, 1.4MB, 138 pages