Submission on: Unlocking value from our customer data
Published: 24 Jul 2023A submission to MBIE on its consultation: Discussion paper
PDF, 1005KB, 9 pages
A submission to MBIE on its consultation: Discussion paper
PDF, 1005KB, 9 pages
PDF, 936KB, 14 pages
Media release about protections for small electricity consumers
PDF, 134KB, 3 pages
A research report into the effectiveness of consumer protections in the electricity market for those experiencing financial hardship
PDF, 611KB, 58 pages
Analysis produced for the purpose of informing Cabinet decisions for infringement offence regulations under the Crown Minerals (Decommissioning and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2021.
PDF, 405KB, 23 pages
Cabinet paper seeking agreement to infringement offence regulations under the Crown Minerals Act 1991, to issue drafting instructions to PCO and to release an exposure draft for targeted consultation.
PDF, 163KB, 11 pages
Cabinet agreed to infringement offence regulations, to issue drafting instructions to PCO and to release an exposure draft.
PDF, 185KB, 3 pages
To promote wholesale competition in engine fuel markets for the benefit of fuel consumers by creating a credible threat of regulation of terminal gate prices where those prices are found to be excessive.
PDF, 306KB, 15 pages
This proposed package would deliver a significant expansion to the support for low-income households to improve the energy efficiency of their homes, reducing their cost of living and reducing their energy related emissions.
PDF, 124KB, 3 pages
This initiative provides funding for community-based renewable energy and energy resilience projects, including grants for project development costs and fund implementation costs.
PDF, 191KB, 2 pages
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