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Transforming operational efficiency

Published: 31 Aug 2020

Consultation document seeking feedback on how to reduce the embodied carbon emissions of buildings throughout their lifecycle by maximising new build efficiency, increase building material efficiency, and reducing the carbon intensity of the materials used in new buildings.


PDF, 1.1MB, 21 pages


NZRIS phase 1 fact sheet August September 2020

Published: 28 Aug 2020

The New Zealand Research Information System (NZRIS) is being developed by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment on behalf of the research, science, and innovation sector. It is a centrally coordinated source of data about research activity and funding in New Zealand. NZRIS is being introduced in three phases. Phase 1 will be released in November 2020 and will include funding-related data from three major research funding organisations: the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment; the Royal Society Te Apārangi; and the Health Research Council of New Zealand.


PDF, 457KB, 2 pages