Regulatory Impact Statement: Further decisions on an enabling framework for carbon capture, utilisat...
Published: 27 Mar 2025Analysis for Cabinet paper Policy approach for carbon capture, utilisation and storage.
PDF, 787KB, 63 pages
Analysis for Cabinet paper Policy approach for carbon capture, utilisation and storage.
PDF, 787KB, 63 pages
Analysis for Cabinet paper Enabling Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage.
PDF, 932KB, 42 pages
Analysis for the purpose of informing Cabinet policy decisions on changes to the telecommunications regulatory regime.
PDF, 683KB, 60 pages
Confirming design parameters for changes to remedy settings.
PDF, 273KB, 11 pages
RIS produced for the purpose of informing Cabinet decision on introducing proposed legislation.
PDF, 429KB, 23 pages
MBIE Regulatory Impact Statement on remedy changes.
PDF, 577KB, 36 pages
MBIE Regulatory Impact Statement on introducing an income threshold.
PDF, 501KB, 34 pages
Analysis of proposals for determining the levy portion that should come from plug-in hybrids and battery electric vehicles.
PDF, 416KB, 12 pages
Analysis of proposals to integrate a financial incentive for motorcycle rider training into the vehicle licensing system.
PDF, 568KB, 20 pages
Analysis of proposals on motorcycle groupings and cross-subsidisation.
PDF, 644KB, 19 pages
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