The Building (Building Products and Methods, Modular Components, and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2021 introduced changes to strengthen the CodeMark product certification scheme. The finalised scheme rules commenced on 7 September 2022.
As part of the revision of the scheme, a new CodeMark brand has recently been developed alongside new brands for the BuiltReady modular component manufacturer scheme and the MultiProof scheme. The aim of the 3 schemes is to alleviate pressure in the consenting system by providing streamlined, robust, and trustworthy compliance options for manufacturers, suppliers, builders, designers, and consumers. Together, the 3 schemes will have a cohesive visual identity, as they all offer deemed to comply pathways for building consents.
In the CodeMark scheme, the CodeMark brand is used as a mark of conformity. As part of the implementation work for the new brand, MBIE have carefully considered the implications of changing the mark of conformity, as certificate holders are required to apply the mark either directly on the certified building product or building method or indirectly to the associated packaging or marketing material. As the scheme rules relating to the current CodeMark mark of conformity will be changed to incorporate the new brand, MBIE are proposing a transition period for scheme participants to minimise any adverse impacts.
The purpose of this consultation is to seek feedback from affected parties on whether the proposed transition is a suitable timeframe to implement the new mark of conformity requirements. Please refer to the discussion document for more detailed information.