Consultation on proposed Supplier Code of Conduct

Submissions closed: 19 February 2019, 5pm

In our role as procurement functional lead, we have been working on a Supplier Code of Conduct.


This Code of Conduct will clearly set out the Government’s expectations of suppliers to government, including the Government’s expectations on ethical behaviour. It will apply to government suppliers, rather than to individual public servants, who are governed by the existing State Services Commission’s Code of Conduct.

The Supplier Code of Conduct will likely apply to not only contracts that suppliers have with the government, but also to suppliers’ overall conduct.

While the development of the Code doesn’t stem directly from ethical concerns over any one supplier or situation, recent events relating to government suppliers, have highlighted that stronger and more explicit provisions were needed in government contracting.

We are also seeking feedback on the Government Procurement Rules 4th Edition which includes specific reference to the Supplier Code of Conduct. This consultation closes on 5 March 2019.

See Consultation on proposed Government Procurement Rules 4th edition.  

About the consultation

In developing this Supplier Code of Conduct (the Code), we looked at other government agency codes, as well as codes of conduct within the private sector. This included considerable consultation. We are seeking further feedback on the Code.

Once all feedback on the Code is received, we will present suggested changes to the Minister for Economic Development (who holds the Government Procurement portfolio) for approval.  

There is no confirmed date for when the Code might be approved and implemented.