Defining Energy Hardship Discussion Document
Published: 4 Nov 2021The document outlines the need to define and measure energy hardship, and proposes a detailed way forward.
PDF, 5MB, 118 pages
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) sought feedback on a proposed definition and measures of energy hardship.
This page is about the consultation on a proposed definition and measures of energy hardship.
You can find the confirmed definition and measures here:
In its final report to the Minister of Energy and Resources in May 2019, the Electricity Price Review recommended that MBIE develop a clear and generally accepted definition of energy hardship.
2018-2019 Electricity Price Review
MBIE engaged with a range of stakeholders to develop a proposed definition of and a proposed suite of measures to be used for monitoring levels of energy hardship. These proposals were released on 4 November 2021 in a discussion document.
On 4 November 2021, MBIE released a discussion document that set out:
The document outlines the need to define and measure energy hardship, and proposes a detailed way forward.
PDF, 5MB, 118 pages
Below are supporting documents which were available for submitters to refer to during the consultation period.
This factsheet gives a high-level overview of the proposals.
PDF, 511KB, 2 pages
This summary document provides a brief overview of each proposal, and can be used to help when making a submission.
PDF, 505KB, 9 pages
This Technical Appendix is a supporting document to Defining Energy Hardship - A discussion document on defining and measuring energy wellbeing and hardship in Aotearoa.
PDF, 1.8MB, 32 pages
Download the survey to send to us via email or post.
PDF, 2.1MB, 23 pages
During consultation, MBIE hosted 2 webinars to provide an opportunity for people to learn more about the proposals and ask questions. The second webinar was held specifically for iwi, hapū, and Māori groups and individuals as part of our commitment to meaningful engagement under Te Tiriti. The presentation and recordings from these webinars are available below:
Defining energy hardship for Aotearoa New Zealand: Webinar 1 [PDF, 929 KB]
Watch the video(external link) — YouTube
Designed for iwi, hapū, Māori groups and individuals.
Defining energy hardship for Aotearoa New Zealand: Webinar 2 [PDF, 915 KB]
Watch the video(external link) — YouTube
Haemata Limited was commissioned to run several targeted sessions with Māori communities to capture their perspectives on measuring energy wellbeing. A report has been prepared by Haemata Limited summarising this engagement and feedback raised.
Ka Mahana i Taku Kiri: Māori Perspectives on the Measurement of Energy Wellbeing [PDF, 465 KB]
MBIE received 63 submissions from stakeholders representing a range of backgrounds. MBIE has analysed these submissions and produced a report discussing levels of support for proposals and key themes raised by submitters.
Summary of Submissions – Defining Energy Hardship [PDF, 713 KB]
Some submitters gave permission for their submissions to be published. Redactions have been made in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020. These can be accessed from the link below.
Read the submissions we received during the Defining Energy Hardship consultation(external link)
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