Disclosure of Origin discussion paper
Published: 5 Dec 2018Disclosure of Origin of genetic resources and traditional knowledge in the patents regime
PDF, 353KB, 32 pages
In September 2018 MBIE released a discussion document on possible options to introduce a disclosure of origin requirement in the patents regime, along with a number of design features that need to be considered if such a requirement is implemented.
Disclosure of Origin of genetic resources and traditional knowledge in the patents regime
PDF, 353KB, 32 pages
We held regional hui with Māori during the consultation period to discuss both the Plant Variety Rights Act review issues paper and the patent disclosure of origin discussion document.
Seven regional hui were held in Tauranga, Gisborne, Hastings, Hāwera, Hamilton, Christchurch and Northland and we also held a separate workshop on patent disclosure of origin in Wellington.
We heard a wide variety of views at the public/industry meetings and regional hui with Māori last year. We also received 9 written submissions on the discussion paper.
Read the summary of submissions [PDF, 397 KB]
Read the submissions on the discussion document(external link)
We appreciate the time and effort contributed by everyone who has participated in our consultation process.
Feedback on the discussion document has helped inform our advice to Ministers on how to progress work in this area.
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