Government Procurement Rules consultation

Days left

Submissions due: 08 April 2025, 5pm

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment is seeking feedback on a proposed 5th edition of the Government Procurement Rules.

About the consultation

We are consulting on a proposed 5th edition of the Government Procurement Rules. The Rules were last updated in October 2019.

Every community across the motu benefits from government procurement. It ensures government has the goods and services it needs to operate schools, hospitals and deliver public services. With this comes a collective responsibility to make sure it’s done well and achieves the best public value for every dollar spent.

Public value means getting the best possible result from a procurement, using resources effectively, economically and without waste, and considering the costs and benefits in achieving results. This helps to ensure public trust and confidence in government to spend public money responsibly.

The Rules are the Government’s minimum expectations for public servants when spending public money. They cover the procurement lifecycle and support good practice behaviours and processes for planning, approaching the market and managing the contract.

We are seeking your feedback on the proposed Rules 5th edition. We will use your feedback to inform the final version before it is submitted to Cabinet for approval.

What we are proposing and seeking feedback on

The proposed 5th edition of the Rules has been streamlined and simplified to make them easier to understand and apply.

The Context section sets out information like why we have Rules and how to use them. Following the context, there are four parts:

  • core values
  • procurement lifecycle steps
  • Procurement System Requirements, and
  • general information.

This document and the online submission form highlight some of the areas of change in the 5th edition of the Rules, but not all. We ask you to consider the Rules in each part, as well as the format and layout, then provide your feedback in the online submission form.

Relevant documents

What's next

Following this consultation, submissions will be reviewed and considered.

Feedback will be used to finalise the proposed Rules 5th edition before submission to Cabinet for approval.

We will seek Cabinet agreement for a period before the new edition takes effect.

How to make a submission

Submissions will close on Friday 8 April 2025 at 5pm.

You can learn more about high-level changes to the Rules and make a submission by:

Last updated: 12 March 2025