Issues Paper Review of the Plant Variety Rights Act 1987
Published: 27 Nov 2018Issues Paper: Review of the Plant Variety Rights Act 1987
PDF, 1.8MB, 96 pages
During September-December 2018 we consulted on an Issues Paper as part of our review of the Plant Variety Rights Act 1987
Issues Paper: Review of the Plant Variety Rights Act 1987
PDF, 1.8MB, 96 pages
Review of the Plant Variety Rights Act: Waitangi Tribunal recommendations from the Wai 262 report.
PDF, 338KB, 2 pages
Review of the Plant Variety Rights Act: What are Plant Variety Rights?
PDF, 340KB, 3 pages
Review of the Plant Variety Rights Act: What does the Issues Paper cover?
PDF, 337KB, 5 pages
A review of the Plant Variety Rights Act: What the regime does, and doesn’t, cover.
PDF, 338KB, 2 pages
The purpose of the Issues Paper was to get feedback on whether there are problems with the PVR regime that should be addressed. The Issues Paper covered key issues that we heard about in our pre-consultation engagement with some industry and Māori experts, but we also encouraged feedback on any issues not covered in the document.
The purpose of our consultation on the Issues Paper was to better understand how the PVR regime operates in practice, how Māori interests are protected in the regime, and the key issues and opportunities for change.
We held consultation hui over October-December 2018 – including three hui with the public/industry on the PVR review, seven regional hui with Māori to discuss both the PVR review and the patent disclosure of origin consultation, and other informal meetings.
These hui were an opportunity for those involved to hear a range of different views, to better understand the issues and to help us identify potential options for change to the PVR regime that will appropriately balance the interests of different groups for the benefit of New Zealand as a whole, and allow us to meet our Treaty of Waitangi obligations.
We appreciate the time and effort contributed by everyone who participated in our issues consultation process.
Feedback on the Issues Paper will help inform the development of an options paper that will set out options for change to the PVR regime. We anticipate consulting on this options paper in mid-2019.
Submissions closed on 21 December 2018 and a total of 36 submissions were received. These include the views of plant breeders, growers, the legal sector and Māori.
Submitters who wished to remain anonymous are referred to as ‘anonymous submitter’. Redactions have been made in accordance with the Official Information Act 1982 and the Privacy Act 1993 and when content may be defamatory or commercially sensitive. Two submitters requested for their submissions to remain confidential. These submissions have not been published.
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