Review of freedom camping transitional period for privately owned, self-contained vehicles

Days left

Submissions due: 01 November 2024, 5pm

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) are seeking feedback on whether to extend the transitional period for privately owned, self-contained vehicles in the Freedom Camping Act beyond 7 June 2025.

About the consultation

In 2023, the Government passed a new law for privately owned, self-contained vehicles to better manage the impacts of freedom camping on our communities and environment. The new self-containment requirements for private motor vehicles certified under the old system come into effect 7 June 2025. However, currently only a small number of the estimated 73,000 self-contained vehicles in New Zealand have been certified under the new system. 

We are seeking your views on whether the deadline for privately owned self-contained vehicles should be extended

The consultation document seeks your views on whether the deadline for privately owned self-contained vehicles (7 June 2025) should be extended by 1 year or by 2 years, to reduce the pressure on Certification Authorities (and their vehicle inspectors), noting that such a delay may have other implications.

You are welcome to make a submission on some or all of the discussion questions set out in this document and/or raise any other relevant points.

Relevant documents

How to make a submission

Submissions close on 1 November 2024 at 5pm.

Your submission can be completed using the survey on our website, or you can submit a response in the form of a short letter or document. Where possible, provide relevant facts, figures, data, examples and documents to support your views. You can:

Where possible, we appreciate receiving submissions electronically. If emailing an attachment, we prefer a Word or text-searchable PDF format.

Last updated: 21 October 2024