Updating New Zealand’s engine fuel specifications to ensure they are fit-for-purpose

Days left

Submissions due: 04 April 2025, 5pm

The Government proposes to update New Zealand’s engine fuel specifications to ensure they are fit-for-purpose.

About the consultation

The Engine Fuel Specifications Regulations 2011 set the parameters for the quality of marine fuel oils, petrol, diesel, ethanol, biodiesel, and blends of these fuels, that are sold or supplied to the public in New Zealand.

The Regulations need to be reviewed periodically to ensure they keep up with innovations in the fuel and vehicle technology sectors. The last time that the Regulations were fully reviewed was in 2017.

To work effectively, our fuel standards and vehicle standards should be aligned. With out-of-date fuel standards, newer vehicles that are designed to run on cleaner fuel risk being damaged.

Our fuel standards should also allow new low emissions engine fuels (such as renewable diesel) to come to market.

The discussion document outlines a number of proposals to update our engine fuels specifications.

The feedback received from this consultation will inform final advice to update the Regulations.

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How to make a submission

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Submissions close 5pm 4 April 2025.

Last updated: 24 February 2025