Marketing and promotion (Awareness)

A destination’s marketing and promotional activity is a core part of managing a destination effectively, targeting the right type of visitors, encouraging regional dispersal and addressing seasonality. For a region to create a viable, sustainable tourism sector, its needs to stand out in a highly competitive marketplace.

A region’s RTO or EDA leads and coordinates the area’s destination marketing activities, working in partnership with tourism operators, TNZ and the tourism distribution system e.g tourism travel trade.

RTOs/EDAs use a range of methods and communication channels to attract visitors (e.g. digital, print, social media, PR) and aim to influence visitor purchase decisions throughout the customer journey.

Image showing the customer journey of dreaming, planning, booking, experiencing, sharing.

DOC and i-SITE visitor centres provide connections to local stories and experiences and can influence decision making, dispersal and responsible visitor behaviour.


  • Are the marketing and promotional activities of the destination aligned with the aspirations of the tourism industry, stakeholders and community?
  • How effective are the marketing strategies in creating the right visitor demand?
  • Are there clear measures and tools for assessing visitor awareness, marketing effectiveness and return on investment?
  • Do we understand the visitor journey and the information touchpoints that influence visitor decision making?
  • Is there a coordinated, collaborative approach between the public and private sectors in the region?
  • Is there collaboration with other regions, RTOs or EDAs?
  • How effective are the internal/external communications, PR and reputation management?
  • Are there opportunities for collective marketing?
  • How do the marketing activities manage visitor behaviour and risks, as well as issues such as overcrowding at peak times?
  • How do we use our communications to provide the local community with good information about the local tourism sector?
Band performing on outdoor stage to large audience, Wellington - Cuba precinct