Transitioning to a regenerative tourism model
Central to the Government’s vision for tourism, is the goal of transitioning to a regenerative tourism model.
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Regenerative tourism ensures that tourism gives back more to people and places than it takes. Tourism must add more than only economic value, it must actively enrich our communities and help protect and restore our environment.
Building a regenerative model for tourism is important for ensuring the long-term sustainability and resilience of tourism. As tourism is a significant sector of our economy, building a regenerative tourism sector will also contribute to wider efforts to decarbonise our economy.
Regenerative tourism will ensure that visitors to New Zealand- Aotearoa have a positive impact on our communities and leave as storytellers who are able to share our unique culture and heritage with the world.
Current work underway to deliver a regenerative tourism model is aimed at:
- transforming the foundations of the tourism system
- destination brand building and improving the visitor experience
- supporting communities to manage tourism
- working in partnership with others.
Regenerative tourism ensures that tourism gives back more to people and places than it takes.

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