Glossary for refugee interviews - Falun Dafa/Falun Gong terms

Expand on the following definitions with the Mandarin and English equivalentc - Definitions:

 道 Dao The way
De Virtue
Fa Law (great, universal law)
法轮 Falun Law wheel
Gong Cultivation energy
Qi Energy
气功 Qigong Energy cultivation – an ancient system of breathing exercises believed to channel the body’s vital energy to enhance health, prolong life, and enrich spiritual awareness and insight
Ren Endurance, forbearance, tolerance
Shen Benevolence, kindness, compassion
Tian Heaven
天地 Tiandi Heavenly sovereign-deity
天目 Tianmu Celestial or third eye
修练 Xiulian Cultivation practice
业力 Yeli Karma or black substance
Zhen Truth, truthfulness
空间   Dimensions
师傅   Master
心性 Xinxing Mind nature, heart nature
太极   Taiji
派出所   Local Police Station
公安局   Public Security Bureau
丹田 Dantian  
大法 Dafa The great way, the great law
Ding A meditative state
阴阳 Yin Yang Opposite forces
穴位   Meridians
1.佛展千手法 Fo Zhan Qianshou Fa Buddha Showing a Thousand Hands ( 5 exercises)
2.法轮桩法 Fulun Zhuang Fa Falun Standing Stance
3.贯通两极法 Guantong Liangji Fa Penetrating the Two Cosmic Extremes
4.法轮周天法 Falun Zhoutian Fa Falun Heavenly Circuit
5.神通加持法 Shentong Jiachi Fa Strengthening Divine Powers
发正念 Fa Zheng Nian “sending forth righteous thoughts “
法正乾坤   The Fa [Law, Dharma] rectifies the Cosmos
邪恶全灭   Evil is completely eliminated
法正天地   The Fa rectifies Heaven and Earth
现世现报   Immediate retribution in this lifetime