Glossary for refugee Interviews - Christian and Church of Almighty God terms

We are receiving claims which deal with a religious group, the Church of Almighty God, that we were previously less familiar with. You may be interpreting for one such claim. As some of their terminology is specialised, we have put together a list of terms and phrases (together with their Mandarin equivalent) to assist you in working on these claims.

Please take the time to review these and to look up or research any which are unfamiliar to you. We would also welcome any feedback on this list, as we continue to look for better ways to work together.

10 Commandments 十诫
You shall have no other Gods before me 除了我以外,你不可有别的神。
You shall not make for yourself an idol 你不可为自己雕刻偶像。
You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God 不可妄称耶和华你神的名。
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy 当纪念安息日,守为圣日。
Honour your father and your mother 当孝敬父母。
You shall not murder 不可杀人。
You shall not commit adultery 不可奸淫。
You shall not steal 不可偷盗。
You shall not give false testimony against your neighbour (You shall not lie) 不可作假见证陷害人(不可说谎)。
You shall not covet 不可贪恋。
Some books of the Bible  
Genesis 创世纪
Exodus 出埃及记
Leviticus 利未记
Numbers 民数记
Deuteronomy 申命记
Joshua 约书亚记
Judges 士师记
Ruth 路德记
Samuel 撒母耳记
Kings 列王记
Chronicles 历代记
Ezra 以斯拉记
Nehemiah 尼希米记
Esther 以斯帖记
Job 约伯记
Psalm 诗篇
Proverbs 箴言
Ecclesiastes 传道书
Song of Solomon 雅歌
Isaiah 以赛亚书
Jeremiah 耶利米书
Mark 马可福音
Luke 路加福音
John 约翰福音
Acts 使徒行传
Romans 罗马书
Corinthians 哥林多书
Revelations 启示录
Thessalonians 帖撒罗尼迦书
Disciples 门徒
Peter 彼得
Simon 西门
Andrew 安德鲁
James 雅各
John 约翰
Matthew 马太
Thomas 多玛
James 雅各
Thaddeus 达太
Judas Iscariot 加略人犹大
Denominations 教派
Catholic 天主教的
Protestant 基督(新)教的
Jewish/Judaism/Jews 犹太的/犹太教/犹太人
Baptist 浸信会的
John the Baptist 施洗约翰
Pontius Pilate 本丢•彼拉多
The Pharisees 法利赛人
“Hail Mary” (Prayer) “圣母经”(祷告文)
“Our Father” (Lord’s Prayer) “我们在天上的父”(主祷文)
Abraham 亚伯拉罕
Adam and Eve 亚当和夏娃
Noah 诺亚
Ark (boat Noah built) 方舟(诺亚所造的船)
Christmas 圣诞节
Crucify 钉十字架
Devil/Satan/Lucifer 魔鬼/撒旦/路西法
Easter 复活节
Eucharist/Communion 圣餐/主餐
Evangelise 传福音
God 神/上帝
Gospel 福音
Miracles 神迹
Parables 寓言
Pastor 牧师
Priest 祭司/神父
Bishop 主教
Archbishop 大主教
Cardinal 枢机主教
Pope 教皇/教宗
Pentecost 五旬节
Pentecostal 五旬节的
Passover 逾越节
worship 敬拜/崇拜
Tabernacle 会幕
Heaven 天堂
Hell 地狱
Holy Spirit 圣灵
Jesus Christ 耶稣基督
Lent 四旬斋
Moses 摩西
New Testament 新约
Old Testament 旧约
Paul the Apostle 使徒保罗
Prayer 祷告
Resurrection 复活
Sabbath 安息日
Saviour 救主
Son of God 神的儿子
Christening 洗礼
Holy Trinity 三位一体
Evil cult 邪教; xiéjiào
Church of Almighty God (Chinese: 全能神教会; pinyin: Quánnéng Shén Jiàohuì),[
Almighty God 全能神
Eastern Lightning (Chinese: 东方闪电; pinyin: Dōngfāng Shǎndiàn)
The Congregation 会众
Oriental Lightning 东方闪电
New Power Lord's Church 新能力主教会
Yahweh 雅威
Jehovah 耶和华
Age of Laws 律法时代
Jesus 耶稣
Age of Grace 恩典时代
Age of Kingdom 国度时代
The word became (appears in the) Flesh 话在肉身显现
Second coming 再来
To fulfil my duties 尽本分
To water newcomers 浇灌新人
To spread the Gospel 传福音
Gathering 聚会
End of Days 末世
Apocalypse/doomsday 末日
Redemption 救赎
Salvation 拯救
Christ incarnate 再生基督
Leader 带领
Deacon 执事
Mount Zion 锡安山
Christ is the Truth, the Way and the Life 基督是真理、道路、生命
Christ is the Bread of Life 基督是生命的粮
Christ is the Good Shepherd 基督是好牧者
The resurrection 复活