
Some symbols & abbreviations used by interpreters.

Symbols with predicative functions

In consecutive interpreting, the arrow is one of the most useful symbols in note-taking. It has a wide range of functions and meanings.

Two horizontal arrows pointing to the right, one with just the top arrow stroke arrive; come to; introduce; import; transmit; tend towards;· lead to
Two horizontal arrows pointing to the left, one with just the top arrow stroke receive; depart; come from; proceed from
Two horizontal L shaped arrows pointing to the left, one with just the top arrow stroke return from; to
Two arrows pointing from bottom left to top right, one with just the bottom arrow stroke improve; increase; add; develop; speed-up
Two arrows pointing from top right to bottom left, one with just the bottom arrow stroke worsen; decrease; decline; slow down

Another versatile symbol is a slanting line indicating relationships:

/ Re: related to; connected with; in respect of; concerning
equals = to be (vb); equal; comprise
not equal not to be; not equal to; be different from
X and x with curved edges do away with; forbid; cannot; must not*
*X is often used to indicate the No. of times so the the curved X is better in this case
Quote marks state; say; declare; announce
Colon think
Colon inside a three sided square with no top border to decide
OK approve; agree; acceptable
OK crossed out - not OK disapprove; disagree ; unacceptable

Symbols indicating time

Two vertical arrows pointing down, one with just the right arrow stroke now; at present; today
Three vertical reverse L shaped arrows pointing down and to the left, one with just the top arrow stroke and one with no arrow strokes past; formerly
Two backward L shapes stacked together long ago
Three vertical L shaped arrows pointing down and to the right, one with just the top arrow stroke and one   with no arrow strokes future; afterwards; coming
Two L shapes stacked together in the distant future
L shape with shorter bottom line soon
Double lined L shape with shorter bottom line very soon; shortly
Single long horizontal line truncated at each end with short vertical bars period of time
Less than symbol beginning of a period of time or action
Greater than symbol end of a period of time or action

General symbols and abbreviations

Square icon country; state
Triangle pointing upwards region
Circle icon city
W symbol world
Circle with a dot inside (a circumpunct) nation; people; group of people
Question mark symbol question; problem
Tilde symbol perhaps
Double line tilde symbol very likely
Therefore symbol (three dots in an upward pointing triangle) therefore; consequently
Dot inside the letter C conference; meeting; congress
Exclamation point symbol surprise; unusual
Vertical arrow with arrow heads in both directions bring closer; bring together; put into contact
Vertical arrow with reversed arrow heads in both directions move apart; separate
Infinity symbol (figure 8 on its side) always
Infinity symbol (figure 8 on its side) crossed out never
Squiggled backwards S remember; recall
Quote mark inside a circle suggest; propose; suggestion; proposal
horizontal line with a down turn at the left end and an upturn at the right end to change; alter
Squiggle that looks like a lower case r with a loop at the end all

Symbols for emphasis

Horizontal bar iconwhen drawn below a symbol or abbreviation a line indicates a bigger size or quantity. The more lines, the greater the emphasis


Circle icon city

Circle icon with a single bar below ita big city

Circle icon with a double bar below ita very big city

Circle icon with a triple bar below it and the letter W to the right the biggest city in the world

Horizontal bar iconwhen drawn above a symbol or an abbreviation, a line indicates a smaller size or quantity:


Circle icon with a single bar above ita small city

Question mark symbol with 2 bars above ita very minor matter


Single dot point
Single dot with quote marks below it point of argument of discussion
Single dot inside a greater than symbol and curved line arranged to look like an eye point of view

Note taking excercises

In the last 25 years, particularly, 3.1 million people came from 70 different countries and locations around the world. That was an intake of migrants 5 times that of the United Natio... United States, rather, in the same period. Today, in Australia, there would be 13% of the Australian population that would have some blood connection with Italy. There would be a million people in Australia of Italian birth or extraction. And, of course, that dates bock to the arrival of the first Italian settler, a guest of the government, Mr Tuso (?), on the First F1eet in 1788.

Series of icons from the tables above that are shorthand for the text example above

Then in terms of Greek settlement, there would be about a half a million people of Greek birth or descent in Australia. And Melbourne today is the fourth largest Greek-speaking city in the world. It follows Athens, Salonica and Nicosia, the Cypriot/the Cypriot capital as the fourth largest Greek-speaking city in the world.

Series of icons from the tables above that are shorthand for the text example above


And then, of course, you have from Malta 400,000 people either born there or their parents came from there, and that means that we have in Australia 50,000 people, more people of Maltese birth or descent than there are in Malta, because the entire Republic or Malta, I think has 350,000. We have 50,000 more.

Series of icons from the tables above that are shorthand for the text example above

Now in terms of Yugoslav settlers, there would be more than a quarter of a million and that comes from all over the component states and independent republics of Yugoslavia. And then 130,000 people that... whose first language would be Arabic. And then, large groups, such as people of German origin... Dutch... Spanish­ speaking and/and so on. So that you got today one Australian in three a product of post-war migration, and also half the population will shortly be under 25, and so those people who were alive in Australia at the time of World War I1 are now in a minority.

Series of icons from the tables above that are shorthand for the text example above

The Geneva Notation System

Based on the following principles:

  1. Bringing across the idea, not the word
  2. Abbreviating
  3. Linking
  4. Negation (denying)
  5. Stress
  6. Verticality
  7. Shifting



  • special, spl
  • speciality, spty
  • specialised, sped


  • production, pron
  • producer, prer
  • product, prct
  • productivity, prty


  • commission, com
  • committee, ctee

I speak (say): I"

I will speak later: I"ll

Which contributed to: helped

With reference to the situation at this point in time:

  • as sit on now


as, car, why: general concept of explanation

tho: general concept of opposition

(But), sed, ma: general concept of restriction

if: general concept of presumption

as to: general concept of reference

asi: general concept of conclusion

= general concept of correspondence, equality

general concept of difference

de+ general concept of supplementary information


Approve: OK

Disapprove: NoOK or OK crossed out - not OK


The study is interesting: intg

The study is very interesting:int superscript g with a single underline

The study is extremely interesting:int superscript g with a double underline

The important question is... Underlined question mark

We must examine with great care: care

A solution which is not so decisive:sol superscript on with a dotted underline


The report with regard to Western Europe: R superscript ort above line and WEur. below line

The report with regard to Western Europe is an interesting document:R superscript ort above line and WEur. below line followed by superscript int

Since the delegations of France, the United Kingdom and the United States have proposed As Fr above UK prop superscript ed above USA

Which led to new investments especially in the area of transportArrow pointing right to + inv superscript ts above the line and (T superscript ort) below the line


In the course of the year 1954, prices underwent an increase,
Without, however, reaching the level of increase of incomes, so that the national income in fact grew.

Series of icons from the tables above that are shorthand for the text example above

In 1954 prices went up,
But not as much as income,
So that the national income increased

Last updated: 04 June 2021