AgResearch's science platforms

AgResearch receives $44.4 million per year for 2 science platforms – Agri-food production and Premium agri-foods.

MBIE funding details

In 2017, AgResearch’s total annual Strategic Science Investment Fund (SSIF) funding was $38.4 million per year. In 2018, AgResearch received a further $10 million over 2 years to their SSIF funding to support research into digital technologies to inform land use decisions (New Zealand’s Bioeconomy in a Digital Age).  In 2020, AgResearch received a further $6 million per year of funding taking the annual SSIF investment to $44.4 million per year.

About the research

Agri-food production (receiving $32.4 million of AgResearch’s annual SSIF funding) is an integrated platform of farm biome genomics, biosecurity, and decision-centric farm systems for sustainable livestock production e.g., genomics for improving performance while reducing emissions to the environment; supporting uptake of new practices and technologies.

Premium agri-foods (receiving $12 million of AgResearch’s annual SSIF funding) combines food science, material science and food safety science to create high-value milk, meat and bio-based products that include food safety systems; innovative meat, wool and dairy products; and adding value to current co-products.

Below are the public statements from our contract with AgResearch.

Annual updates

Recipients of SSIF funding are required to report yearly on the progress of their work programme. Below are the public updates from AgResearch’s annual reports.

Note that differences between the contract platform funding amounts and the annual amounts (as noted in public statements) are due to the variability within research programmes.

Last updated: 11 March 2025