The future

The Space and Advanced Aviation Strategy sets five objectives to support doubling of the size of the space and advanced aviation sectors by 2030. These objectives will help us to leverage opportunities and address barriers to growth, building on our existing strengths and supporting the development of new capabilities that will help to grow our economy and address challenges New Zealand is facing.

1. Develop our sovereign space capabilities with a national space mission

Satellites deliver a wide range of essential services that underpin daily life in New Zealand. Improving our capability to develop, access and use space technologies will deliver benefits for New Zealanders and demonstrate the capability of our space and advanced aviation sectors to the world. 


  • Establish a national mission through the development, manufacture, launch and operation of one or more sovereign satellites and application of the data collected to meet a government need, such as supporting our maritime domain awareness and broader space domain awareness.
  • Develop education and public engagement initiatives to maximise the inspiration value of a national space mission.
  • Ensure government is well positioned to use aerospace-enabled data through capability building and improve access to datasets to support the delivery of public services like disaster response and recovery.

2. Establish a world-leading regulatory environment for space and advanced aviation

Efficient and easy to navigate regulatory regimes for advanced aviation and space will position New Zealand as a world-leading location for development, testing, launch and flight operations.


  • Develop a new Civil Aviation Rule for experimental or developmental aircraft and systems operations to allow rapid iteration and testing of advanced aviation vehicles and technologies.
  • Explore the provision of external regulatory advice to support efficient regulatory decision making by the New Zealand Space Agency and the Civil Aviation Authority for space and advanced aviation activities respectively.
  • Amend the Outer Space and High-altitude Activities Act to improve the effectiveness of space and high-altitude regulation, and future proof the regulatory regime to ensure it continues to safely and securely enable innovation and protect New Zealand’s interests.

3. Unlock trade and investment

Domestic demand and investment alone will not be sufficient to support our space and advanced aviation sectors to double in size. Increasing international trade and investment in New Zealand companies will be critical for sector growth.


  • Promote New Zealand’s aerospace sector to the world through trade missions and participation in key international aerospace events including the International Astronautical Congress and the Space Symposium.
  • Work closely with our international partners to promote cooperation and reduce barriers to trade including restrictive export controls and domestic sourcing requirements. 

4. Build an aerospace-capable workforce

New Zealand’s aerospace sector requires a talented and skilled workforce to expand to meet its potential. We will need to grow our domestic talent pool and compete to attract international talent.


  • Establish the Prime Minister’s Space Prizes to inspire the next generation of aerospace professionals.
  • Continue the New Zealand Space Scholarship which supports internships for graduate students at prestigious international space research institutes.
  • Ensure immigration settings, including for the Green List and Skilled Migrant Category are appropriately targeted to address skill gaps and prioritise skilled migrants.
  • Implement education initiatives that will lift achievement and prepare students to pursue aerospace careers.

5. Accelerate aerospace innovation

For New Zealand’s aerospace sector to attract customers, investors, and skilled workers we need to continue to produce innovative and novel products that meet global market demands.


  • Partner internationally on advanced research with world-leading research institutes, including our current partnerships with NASA, the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and SmartSat CRC.
  • Explore innovative ways for the government to apply aerospace technologies to address scientific, societal and national security challenges.