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Displaying 151 - 157 results of 157 for:
international students
2. Trend one: purpose-led business

How might the trend of business adopting a wider purpose evolve over the next 10–20 years? We take a deep dive into the future of purpose-led business in New Zealand, with a focus on the implications for productivity and wellbeing.

He aka ka toro navigation fund 2023 successful projects

The government has invested in 18 projects that advance iwi, hapū, hapori, and Māori Science, Innovation & Technology (SI&T) priorities. This will allow for stronger deployment of SI&T investment towards communities and rohe/takiwā where Māori knowledge is practiced, and where experts and practitioners are based.

2024 Successful projects

Through the 2024 funding round, Te Pūnaha Hihiko: Vision Mātauranga Capability Fund is supporting 16 projects aimed at the development of skilled people and organisations that plan to undertake, or are undertaking, research that supports the themes and outcomes of our Vision Mātauranga policy.

Review of insurance contract law - options paper: quick submissions

We received 48 submissions through our online portal. 43 can be viewed below. A further 5 submitters did not want their submissions published. Redactions have been made in accordance with the Official Information Act 1982, and the Privacy Act 1993.