We are taking a proactive approach to ensure employers, facilitators of service and workers in the sex industry understand their rights and legal obligations.
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You have rights when you shop for goods and services. Find out more about your consumer rights.
The members of the Manawatū-Whanganui Regional Skills Leadership Group.
The all-of-government plan of action against forced labour, people trafficking and slavery sets out a high-level framework for the actions that agencies will take over the next five years to 2025, to combat these practices.
Mōkai Pātea Services provide their community with holistic support in areas such as mental health, budgeting, and child protection.
MBIE, in conjunction with ACC, conducts a biennial review of the Cost of Treatment Regulations.
Vision: Māori exercise rangatiratanga to create intergenerational wellbeing through work.
The Shop Trading Hours Act 1990 was amended in 2016 to enable territorial authorities to decide whether retailers in their districts can open on Easter Sunday.
With 11.6% of the Manawatū-Whanganui workforce being employed in Health Care and Social Assistance, this sector holds the largest segment of our kaimahi compared to any other.
A welcome from Oriana Paewai and Katarina Hina, co-chairs of the Manawatū-Whanganui Regional Workforce Plan.