Displaying 31 - 40 filtered results of 89
Tāmaki makaurau, Tāmaki herenga waka, Tāmaki herenga tāngata e. Tāmaki desired by the multitudes, Tāmaki the gathering place of many waka, Tāmaki the gathering place of many people and cultures.
Mahia te mahi, hei painga mō te iwi We strive every day to do the work, for the betterment of the people
Hāpaita te ara tika pūmau ai te rangatiratanga mō ngā uri whakatipu Foster the pathway of knowledge to strength, independence and growth for future generations
Since it began in 2007, the Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) Scheme has enabled employers in the horticulture and viticulture sector to recruit an annually capped number of seasonal workers from eligible Pacific Island countries to plant, maintain, harvest, or pack crops.