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Regional Workforce Plan 2023
Mapping achieved actions
Regional Workforce Plan 2023
- Mihi
- Introduction
- Year One: 2022/23 progress
- Regional highlights
- Regional deep dive: Green skills and jobs for a circular economy workforce
- Mapping achieved actions
- Regional Skills Leadership Group
- Annex 1: Regional Workforce and Skills Priorities
- Annex 2: Detailed progress update towards completing all actions
- Annex 3: Sector based roles and qualification details for Auckland
- Annex 4: Workforce and Skills Challenges for Hospitality
- Annex 5: Tāmaki 10,000 "Ōhanga whānau economic wellbeing report”
- Annex 6: The Transition to low carbon - Auckland’s climate change plans
Mapping achieved actions
Ko te tangata e kai ana i te mātauranga nōna te ao
Those who seek wisdom and knowledge, the world is yours