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PlantTech Research Institute

PlantTech Research Institute are contracted by MBIE for $8.425 million excluding GST to accelerate innovation and find solutions to horticultural challenges through Artificial Intelligence technology.

New Zealand progresses Horizon Europe negotiations with European Commission

New Zealand and the European Commission have concluded formal negotiations on New Zealand’s Association to Pillar Two of Horizon Europe, the European Union’s largest ever research and innovation programme. Negotiations were positive, with the hope that New Zealand will become an Associate Member in early 2023.

Xerra Earth Observation Institute

The Xerra Earth Observation Institute (formerly known as the Centre for Space Science Technology) is contracted by MBIE for $21.7 million excluding GST to establish, build and support a research institute with a focus on earth observation data.

Key insights from consultation with Pacific researchers on the future of our science system

Key shifts are needed in the research, science and innovation system to lift the wellbeing of our Pacific communities, says the Key Insights from the Pacific research consultation for Te Ara Paerangi Future Pathways report published today.

Research response to COVID-19 highlighted in new report

The effective way our research, science and innovation sector responded to the COVID-19 pandemic has been showcased in a new report released today. The COVID-19 Research Response report outlines how innovative organisations have been supported over the past 2 years to produce world-leading research.