2024 Smart Ideas successful proposals

We received 351 applications for Smart Ideas funding in the 2024 round of the Endeavour Fund and 53 were approved for funding. We also continue to fund 100 Smart Ideas awarded in previous years.

The successful proposals for the 2024 Smart Ideas Endeavour Fund were selected by the Science Board, an independent statutory Board, following review by independent experts from New Zealand and overseas in MBIE’s College of Assessors.

Our Science Board

Our College of Assessors

The new contracts start on 1 October 2024.

2024 Smart Ideas successful proposals

The successful Smart Ideas for 2024 are listed below.

AgResearch Limited

Superior protein biocomposites through tailored gradients of nature-inspired microstructure

Principal Investigator/s: Duane Harland
Duration: 2 years
Contract value (GST excl): $1,000,000.00

Silencing Fungal diseases: unlocking RNAi as novel tool to control Agricultural Pathogens

Principal Investigator/s: Kwasi Adusei-Fosu
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.96

Foliar nitrogen nanofertilizers (Nnf), increasing nitrogen use efficiency and reducing environmental pollution

Principal Investigator/s: Marta Alfaro
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.00

Auckland University of Technology

Low-cost, point-of-care assessment of limb vascular health and microvascular blood flow

Principal Investigator/s: Andrew Lowe
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.00

Institute of Environmental Science and Research Limited

Ultrasensitive paper-based fluorescent sensors for detecting liquid illicit drugs

Principal Investigator/s: Rachel Fleming
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,000.00

Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Limited

Towards cleaner geothermal: the geochemistry of CO2 reinjection

Principal Investigator/s: David Byrne
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,939.00

Semiconductor Electrocatalysts for Renewable-powered Ammonia Farms: Towards Green Fertilisers and Energy Storage

Principal Investigator/s: Prasanth Gupta, Sridhar Gupta 
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.00

Next-generation ash dispersal forecasts through near-real-time quantification of volcanic eruption source parameters

Principal Investigator/s: Paul Jarvis
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,996.00

Landcare Research New Zealand Limited

Smart monitoring of deposited fine sediment for a resilient Aotearoa  

Principal Investigator/s: Andrew Neverman
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.99

Unlocking high-resolution sediment fingerprinting to safeguard freshwaters

Principal Investigator/s: Hugh Smith, Simon Vale
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.00

Harnessing generative artificial intelligence to inform nature-based adaptation to climate change

Principal Investigator/s: Daniel Richards
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.99

Lincoln University

Development of bacteriophage-based nitrification inhibition technology

Principal Investigator/s: Andriy Podolyan
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,198.00

Massey University

More Than Water – a multiphase strategy towards mitigating climate-enforced mudflow disaster

Principal Investigator/s: Gert Lube, Stuart Mead
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.99

A circular food technology to create whole-plant food analogues (WpfA)

Principal Investigator/s: Jaspreet Singh
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,816.00

National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited

An alkaline solution to acidification and carbon uptake in New Zealand waters

Principal Investigator/s: Cliff Law
Duration: 2 years
Contract value (GST excl): $1,000,000.00

Better forecasting fish abundances in Aotearoa New Zealand under climate change

Principal Investigator/s: Arnaud Gruss
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.00

Next-generation flood measurement systems to prepare Aotearoa-New Zealand for climate change

Principal Investigator/s: Hamish Biggs
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.99

AI-enhanced compound flood model for real-time extreme hazard forecasts 

Principal Investigator/s: Zhonghou Xu
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.99

Mitigating climate risks: Identifying ocean internal wave hotspots and their cooling potential

Principal Investigator/s: Helen Macdonald
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.00

The Cawthron Institute Trust Board

Boosting nitrogen-fixation capabilities in cyanobacteria as a pathway to climate-positive nitrogen fertiliser

Principal Investigator/s: Jonathan Puddick
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.00

A nutritional geometry approach to revolutionise diets for sustainable aquaculture growth

Principal Investigator/s: Matt Miller
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.99

The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited

Redefining soil structural vulnerability to enhance ecosystem services in a changing world

Principal Investigator/s: Wei Hu
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.00

Silvervine: a natural lure to improve control of Aotearoa-NZ’s feral cat problem

Principal Investigator/s: Andrew Dare
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.00

How old are pāua? An epigenetic clock to sustainably manage a taonga

Principal Investigator/s: Maren Wellenreuther
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.00

Microbiome-Engineered Grapevines – A Novel Solution for healthy future vineyards

Principal Investigator/s: Justine Larrouy
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.00

The Research Trust of Victoria University of Wellington

Bypassing Resistance Mechanisms in Breast and Ovarian Cancers.

Principal Investigator/s: Peter Tyler
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.00

Recognising Taonga with AI: Facial Recognition for Kākā Conservation Management

Principal Investigator/s: Andrew Lensen, Rachael Shaw
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.99

Who's Calling: Individual bird recognition from vocalisation

Principal Investigator/s: Stephen Marsland
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.00

A safer drug for heart failure

Principal Investigator/s: Andreas Luxenburger
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.99

AI Evolutionary Learning for Modelling Multi-millennial Sea Level Processes

Principal Investigator/s: Bach Nguyen
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.00

University of Auckland

Ultra-flexible human-robot collaborative product assembly

Principal Investigator/s: Yuqian Lu
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.00

Novel Live Feeds Production for Aquaculture

Principal Investigator/s: Andrew Jeffs
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.99

Enhance Real-time Surgery Planning and Navigation with Mixed Reality Technology

Principal Investigator/s: Huidong Bai
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,498.00

Sign Language Interpreter Using Weighted Multimodal Network for Mahuta ki Tai

Principal Investigator/s: Ho Seok Ahn
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.99

Transforming fracture management: new technology enables smart orthopaedic implants

Principal Investigator/s: Daniel McCormick
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,000.00

Re-imagining sweetness through protein design

Principal Investigator/s: Danae Larsen
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.00

Hyper-explosive Eruptions: Why can small eruptions go hyper?

Principal Investigator/s: Dilcar Joali Paredes Mariño
Duration: 2 years
Contract value (GST excl): $1,000,000.00

Heavy drugs for improved glioblastoma prognosis

Principal Investigator/s: Jonathan Sperry
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.00

University of Canterbury

Empowering community resilience to climate change through novel flood scenario analytics

Principal Investigator/s: Matthew Hughes, Matthew Wilson
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.99

Enhancing whanaungatanga with infants through immersive VR:  Case studies in early childhood education and healthcare

Principal Investigator/s: Heide Lukosch
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.99

Accelerating Lab to Market Innovation with High Throughput Fatigue Characterisation

Principal Investigator/s: Derek Warner
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.99

University of Otago

Development of a multidimensional, fine-scale mapping toolkit for adaptive fisheries management

Principal Investigator/s: Matthew Desmond
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.99

A Host Defense Peptide-based antibiofilm spray to control food spoilage

Principal Investigator/s: Sam Wardell, Daniel Pletzer
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.99

Tuning protein degradation for next-generation plant productivity

Principal Investigator/s: Peter Mace
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.99

Triggerable responsive antibiotic prodrugs (TRAPDs) as a platform technology for sustainable agriculture

Principal Investigator/s: Sarah Hook
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.99

Automating software violation detection and repair: future-proofing software reputation and skills development

Principal Investigator/s: Sherlock Licorish
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.99

Extracting value from an invasive seaweed using applied ecophysiology and green solvents

Principal Investigator/s: Chris Hepburn
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.99

Computational design of enzyme inhibitors to engineer bacteriophage-based precision antimicrobials

Principal Investigator/s: Simon Jackson
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.99

A rapid, point of need diagnostic test for infectious diseases in livestock

Principal Investigator/s: Michael Knapp, Htin Lin Aung
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,000.00

University of Waikato

LakeCast: Enhancing lake ecosystem management with multisource integrated data and ecological forecasts

Principal Investigator/s: Melanie Ooi and Deniz Ozkundakci
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.99

Functionally Graded Cellulose Foam Packaging From Recycled Cardboard Fibre

Principal Investigator/s: Mohammad Beg
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.99

Lightmyography-based, wearable, muscle-machine interfaces for intuitive control of medical devices

Principal Investigator/s: Anany Dwivedi
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.99

Self-sensing, low-carbon 3D-printed homes from locally sourced waste materials

Principal Investigator/s: Krishanu Roy
Duration: 3 years
Contract value (GST excl): $999,999.99

2024 success rates by organisation

The table below details the 2024 Endeavour Fund success rates by organisation for both Smart Ideas and Research Programmes.

These figures exclude ineligible proposals.

Organisation Number applied Number successful Success rate (%)
AgResearch Limited 16 3 18.8
Auckland University of Technology 17 2 11.8
Beef + Lamb New Zealand Limited 1 0 0
Bodeker Scientific Limited 1 0 0
Climate Prescience Limited 2 0 0
DairyNZ Limited 1 0 0
Dragonfly Limited 1 0 0
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited 32 6 18.7
New Zealand Forest Research Institute Ltd Trading as Scion 10 0 0
Hokonui Rūnanga Health and Social Services Trust 1 0 0
Institute of Environmental Science and Research Limited 10 2 20
Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences Limited - Trading as GNS Science 17 6 35.3
Landcare Research New Zealand Ltd T/A Manaaki Whenua 8 3 37.5
Lincoln Agritech Limited 10 1 10
Lincoln University 6 1 16.7
Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited 2 0 0
Māori LAB Limited 1 0 0
Market Economics Limited 2 0 0
Massey University 25 3 12
Motu Economic and Public Policy Research Trust 2 0 0
New Zealand Winegrowers Research Centre Limited 1 0 0
Nicholson Consulting Limited 2 0 0
Permeance Limited 1 0 0
Pūrangakura Limited 1 1 100
Restore Lab Limited 1 0 0
Takarangi Limited 1 0 0
Te Pukenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology 2 0 0
Te Reo Irirangi o Te Hiku o Te Ika trading as Te Hiku Media 1 0 0
Te Runanga o Te Rarawa Trustee Limited 3 0 0
Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou 1 0 0
Te Wananga o Aotearoa Te Kuratini o Nga Waka 2 0 0
The Cawthron Institute Trust Board T/A The Cawthron Institute 7 4 57.1
The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research Limited 18 5 27.8
The Research Trust of Victoria University of Wellington 76 7 9.2
Theranostics Lab Limited 1 0 0
University of Auckland 88 11 12.5
University of Canterbury 42 4 9.5
University of Otago 32 8 25
University of Waikato 31 5 16.1
Weather Radar New Zealand Limited 1 0 0

Diversity data for the 2024 Endeavour Fund investment round

MBIE collects diversity data of applicants, and that data can be accessed and view through our Diversity Data Dashboard. This dashboard allows selection of diversity data for individual funds, including Endeavour Research Programmes and Endeavour Smart Ideas.

Diversity in science

Science System Investment & Performance (SSIP) Diversity Data Dashboard(external link) shinyapps.io

Currently Funded Smart Ideas

These are the currently funded Smart Ideas from the 2023 and 2022 investment rounds and are in alphabetical order by project name.

Last updated: 13 September 2024