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MBIE Leading exchanges for APEC members

MBIE’s Trade and International team hosted a virtual workshop for Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) member economies on building an enabling environment for financial technology (fintech). This workshop was designed for APEC members to share their experiences about the digitalisation of financial services, emerging regulatory environments for fintech across the region, and the role fintech can play in supporting international trade and the achievement of environmental social governance (ESG) objectives.

Green recovery is an urgent issue, not just an option: APEC Economic Policy Report November 2022

In 2021, during our Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) host year, we successfully proposed the topic of "Structural Reform and a Green Recovery from Economic Shocks” for the flagship APEC Economic Policy Report (AEPR). The report has been endorsed by member economies and published during APEC Leaders Week, November 2022.