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Seeking feedback on the Customer and Product Data Bill (consumer data right)

We recently sought feedback on the exposure draft of the Customer and Product Data Bill (the draft law) and the accompanying discussion document. The draft law will give customers more control over their data, allowing them to safely and securely access, manage, and share this data with others.

Notifications under section 69(2) of the Copyright Act 1994

The Authorised Entities listed below have notified the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment under section 69(2) of the Copyright Act 1994 that they intend to begin activities under section 69A of the Copyright Act 1994.

Feedback on an exposure draft of the Consumer Information Standards (Unit Pricing for Grocery Products) Regulations 2023

MBIE consulted on an exposure draft of the Consumer Information Standards (Unit Pricing for Grocery Products) Regulations 2023. These draft regulations intend to help consumers compare grocery prices more easily by requiring the consistent display of unit pricing in New Zealand’s major grocery retailers.