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Even though the assessment was only partial, the information gathering yielded anecdotal information to support the potential benefits of the Memorandums of understanding (MOUs), informing some useful early insights into the economic effects of the MOUs. However, it has not been possible to substantiate anecdotal information with analysis, and early insights must be seen in this context.

Features of the MOUs

The activities and deliverables that were promised by the studios in return for the uplift funding are summarised below. For the reasons shown in the 'Productions associated with Memorandums of Understanding (MOU)' section, the table does not include details of the MOU for the Avatar sequels and the Amazon project.

Partial economic assessment of MOUs for the 5% Uplift of the New Zealand Screen Production Grant

This report presents the findings of a truncated programme of work, by Business and Economic Research Limited (BERL) for the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE), to evaluate the economic effects of the MOUs for the 5% uplift of the New Zealand Screen Production Grant.

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