High share of quarterly renewable electricity generation as industrial demand for electricity fell
Published: 13 March 2025
The latest Energy Quarterly data release from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) shows electricity generation in the October to December 2024 quarter was the lowest December quarter on record since 2016, says MBIE Domains Manager Amapola Generosa.
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“A combination of hydro lakes refilling beyond historical means, increased year-on-year geothermal, wind, and solar generation, along with reduced electricity demand resulted in 94.3% of all electricity being generated from renewable sources in the December 2024 quarter. This also meant that we relied less on coal and gas fired generation,” says Generosa.
“The renewable share of generation reached its 4th highest quarter level on record, with quarterly emissions from electricity generation falling to their lowest level on record.
“Often, a greater share of non-renewable energy is needed to meet overall electricity demand – however with generation at its lowest quarter level since 2016, renewables were able to meet the majority of demand.
“Lower electricity use by New Zealand Aluminium Smelters, following its demand response agreement with Meridian being called on in the September 2024 quarter, contributed to a 9% year-on-year fall in electricity demand from the industrial sector.
“Gas generation fell 29.9% year-on-year, while coal fired generation fell 64.1% year-on-year this quarter. As a result, emissions from electricity generation fell accordingly. Emissions were 400 kt CO2-e in the December 2024 quarter, the lowest level on record.
“In addition to hydro lakes filling beyond historical means, total renewable generation capacity was bolstered this quarter with a 5% increase in new geothermal capacity due to a new plant at Te Huka 3 connecting to the grid,” says Generosa.
Alongside Energy Quarterly, MBIE has also released 2024 year-end data for Oil, Gas, Coal, and Prices (petrol, diesel and natural gas). This data, along with full energy quarterly results, data, and graphs can be read in the New Zealand Energy Quarterly section.
2025 Quarter 1 results will be announced on 12 June 2025.
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Email: media@mbie.govt.nz
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