Major health and safety consultation begins

Published: 14 June 2024

A substantial consultation on work health and safety is now open.

We want to start a conversation about New Zealand’s work health and safety regulatory system, particularly your experiences with it, how you think it’s working now, and what you think should change.

We’re interested in your feedback on the regulatory system - the law and regulations, the supporting information (e.g. guidance and approved codes of practice), the regulators, and the responsibilities of businesses, workers, and others with a role in the system.

We want to hear from businesses, workers, and anyone with an interest in the health and safety system.

The Health and Safety at Work Act is almost 10 years old, and now is an appropriate time to review what’s working and what needs to change.

Further information about the consultation and how to make a submission can be found at the link below.

Have your say: Seeking your feedback on the work health and safety regulatory system

The consultation closes on 31 October 2024.

MBIE media contact
