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Government invests in tiny tech with global potential 13 September 2023

An ambitious and internationally-connected programme to leverage New Zealand’s niche expertise in quantum technology research will receive up to $12 million of government funding over the next 5 years.

New Zealand Space Agency seeks stellar students for opportunities at NASA 08 September 2023

High-flying graduate students are encouraged to reach for the stars and apply for the New Zealand Space Scholarship programme to support an internship at NASA’s Ames Research Center or the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in 2024.

Opportunity for New Zealand-NASA collaborative research 07 September 2023

An opportunity is now available for New Zealand researchers to partner with NASA on Earth observation research.

Artificial intelligence to support astronaut selection 06 September 2023

An AI-assisted tool designed to support astronaut selection and clinical decision making will be developed under a partnership between the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) and US space company Axiom Space.

Panel appointed to recommend National Research Priorities 18 August 2023

Tā/Sir Jerry Mateparae will chair an Independent Strategic Panel set up to recommend new National Research Priorities to Cabinet this year.

Review for the future of weather forecasting 26 July 2023

Government today announced a review into New Zealand’s national weather forecasting system, known as Project Hau Nuku.

Advancing the aerospace sector in Aotearoa 20 July 2023

Aotearoa New Zealand’s first ever Aerospace Strategy was launched today, to drive continued development of New Zealand’s diverse and innovative aerospace sector by 2030.

Aotearoa New Zealand joins world’s largest research programme 10 July 2023

Aotearoa New Zealand has now officially joined the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme as an associated country.

Government announces NZ On Air to deliver gaming rebate 15 June 2023

Today, the Government has announced Irirangi Te Motu, NZ On Air as the delivery partner to administer the game development rebate and is now seeking feedback on the design details of the rebate scheme.

Government drives $2 billion of business research and development 31 May 2023

The Government’s research and development tax incentive (RDTI) has supported more than $2 billion of New Zealand business innovation – an increase of around $1 billion in less than 9 months.