Briefings to Incoming Ministers
We produce Briefings to Incoming Ministers (BIMs) following a general election or change in minister. They provide an introduction to each portfolio and summarise key areas of policy and policy issues.
On this page
2024 Briefings to Incoming Ministers
This BIM was prepared following the appointment of a new Minister for Media and Communications.
2023 Briefings to Incoming Ministers
These BIMs were prepared for Ministers following the 2023 general election. These documents have been proactively released. Redactions made to the documents have been made consistent with provisions of the Official Information Act 1982.
Economic Context Briefing - November 2023 [PDF 857KB]
Briefing for the incoming Minister for Space [PDF 2.5MB]
Briefing for the incoming Minister for Tourism and Hospitality [PDF 1.9MB]
Briefing for the incoming Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety [PDF 3.8MB]
Briefing for the incoming Minister for ACC [PDF 3.1MB]
Briefing for the incoming Minister for Auckland [PDF 723KB]
Briefing for the incoming Minister for Building and Construction [PDF 5.7MB]
Briefing for the incoming Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs [PDF 4.1MB]
Briefing for the incoming Minister for Economic Development [PDF 781KB]
Briefing for the incoming Minister for Energy [PDF 2.1MB]
Briefing for the incoming Minister of Immigration [PDF 3.2MB]
Briefing for the incoming Minister for Media and Communications [PDF 1.1MB]
Briefing for the incoming Minister Responsible for the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment [PDF 2.3MB]
Briefing for the incoming Minister for the Public Service: Government Property Group [PDF 423KB]
Briefing for the incoming Minister for Regional Development [PDF 7.8MB]
Briefing for the incoming Minister for Resources [PDF 1.9MB]
Briefing for the incoming Minister of Science, Innovation and Technology [PDF 4.1MB]
Briefing for the incoming Minister for Small Business and Manufacturing [PDF 748KB]
Briefing for the incoming Minister for Social Development and Employment [PDF 729KB]
These documents were proactively released. Redactions made to the documents were made consistent with provisions of the Official Information Act 1982.
2022 Briefings to Incoming Ministers
These BIMs were prepared for Ministers due to a Cabinet reshuffle in June 2022. These documents were proactively released. Redactions made to the documents were made consistent with provisions of the Official Information Act 1982.
2020 Briefings to Incoming Ministers
These BIMs were prepared for Ministers following the 2020 general election. These documents have been proactively released. Redactions made to the documents have been made consistent with provisions of the Official Information Act 1982.
This is the overarching BIM, designed to provide ministers with information on our role, purpose and organisational structure.
Briefing for the Incoming Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs [PDF 1.8MB]
Briefing for the Incoming Minister for the Digital Economy and Communications [PDF 2.1MB]
Briefing for the Incoming Minister for Economic Development [PDF 2.6MB]
Economic Context [PDF 278KB]
Briefing for the Incoming Minister COVID-19 Response: Managed Isolation and Quarantine (MIQ) [PDF 2.5MB]
2017 Briefings to Incoming Ministers
These BIMs were prepared for Ministers following the 2017 general election. These documents have been proactively released. Redactions made to the documents have been made consistent with provisions of the Official Information Act 1982.
Briefing for the Incoming Minister of Immigration [PDF 1.4MB]
Briefing for the incoming Minister of Employment [PDF 1.9MB]
Briefing for the incoming Minister for Regional Economic Development [PDF 667KB]
Briefing for the incoming Minister for Economic Development [PDF 1MB]
Economic Development – accompanying letter [PDF 184KB]
2016 Briefings to Incoming Ministers
These BIMs were prepared for Ministers due to a Cabinet reshuffle following the resignation of Prime Minister John Key in December 2016. These documents were proactively released. Redactions made to the documents were made consistent with provisions of the Official Information Act 1982.
Briefing for the incoming minister - Accident compensation portfolio - 20 December 2016 [PDF 840KB]
Commerce and Consumer Affairs portfolio: briefing for the incoming minister [PDF 538KB]
Communications Portfolio: briefing for the incoming minister [PDF 1MB]
Economic Development: briefing for the incoming minister [PDF 364KB]
Tourism: briefing for the incoming Minister 2016 [PDF 3.1MB]