Stakeholder Interviews

This section provides an overview of interviews undertaken with BCA staff and plumbers participating in the Pilot.

Stakeholders are positive about Artisan as a tool to create digital records

Both BCAs and plumbers saw value in using Artisan to create digital records of low-risk plumbing work. General feedback included that the tool was intuitive and easy to use, and that the ability to create a digital record was a key benefit of the Artisan platform. Plumbers commented that the phone-based application worked well as they already do a lot of administration and record-keeping on their phones, making it more of an extension of existing practices.

While they felt it would be suitable for most stakeholders working in this space, one BCA respondent noted that the digital nature of the platform may be a barrier for some potential users (both BCA inspectors and plumbers). The BCA respondents had no concerns about the competency of inspectors in using the Artisan tool, as most BCA processes are already digital, requiring some level of technological competency. However, they felt that some inspectors could struggle to make the transition to a more desk-based role using Artisan, in contrast to regularly being out on building sites conducting inspections face-to-face.

One BCA respondent felt that some plumbers could lack the necessary technological skills to engage with Artisan, and that this could limit the ability to implement this more widely across the trade. This concern was not reflected in the interviews with plumbers, who were all confident in using the application despite varying levels of confidence in their more general digital capability. While training was provided to all participants in the pilot, many plumbers commented that they primarily learnt how to use the tool through trial-and-error. This trial-and-error learning period typically only lasted a “couple of jobs” as the tool is straightforward and intuitive.

Plumbers felt well-supported in using the tool throughout the pilot, noting timely and relevant feedback from BCA inspectors.

While there are key differences in using Artisan, it utilises the same skillset as in-person inspections

BCAs noted that the process of reviewing a digital record is similar to an in-person inspection with a few key differences. Respondents noted that for many in-person inspections you will not undertake a detailed inspection of every element, instead relying on a detailed inspection of a sample of building elements. This is the same process that is undertaken using Artisan, where you receive a set of photographs intended to represent the completed job.

A key difference in reviewing digital records created in Artisan is that most photos are wide-angle shots intended to capture large segments of work. These photos can preclude a detailed interrogation of elements of the work, e.g. reviewing things from multiple angles. BCA respondents noted that the functionality in Artisan enables a “back and forth” discussion with the plumber, where additional photos or details can be requested to address any concerns they may have.

All plumbers interviewed thought that Artisan created an accurate digital record of their work.

Creating digital records for use in determining compliance with the building code leads to significant efficiency gains for BCAs and plumbers

BCA respondents and most plumbers interviewed noted that using Artisan to create digital records results in significant efficiency gains. BCA respondents discussed how digital records created in Artisan supported remote inspections, significantly reducing time spent traveling to and between building sites to conduct inspections. One BCA respondent also noted that the ability to have a “back and forth” discussion with plumbers within the Artisan tool resulted in fewer failed inspections. In contrast, when conducting an in-person inspection, a failure would almost always require scheduling and undertaking another inspection to inspect the failed elements. As a result, a remote inspection using a digital record created in Artisan could be replacing two or more in-person inspections and the associated travel time.

Yeah, so the avoidance of traffic is a huge, huge, benefit from this. I think it's understated a lot.
– BCA interview respondent

A widely shared view among the plumbers interviewed was that Artisan was more time efficient than the traditional method of in-person site inspections. Respondents noted that using Artisan to create and submit digital records was significantly faster than booking, and waiting for, in-person inspections. One respondent commented that it saved time by reducing the need to keep sites open. Some plumbers noted that to achieve efficiency gains out of using Artisan, the application needs to be set up properly to ensure the on-site process runs smoothly. When set-up properly, it just becomes something that fits into existing work on site but if things need to be updated or changed in the application, it becomes more work. Several plumbers noted that time could be wasted by other parties on-site not having Artisan access organised.

One BCA respondent noted that they had received complaints from some plumbers about the added time taken to ensure all the required photographs are included in the digital record. In contrast, feedback from plumbers interviewed was that the benefits of using Artisan far outweighed the small time cost associated with ensuring the digital record was complete.

Artisan supports increased flexibility into stakeholders’ workdays

All stakeholders described how the use of Artisan to create digital records had supported increased flexibility in how they structure their workdays.

For BCA respondents, the shift from scheduled in-person inspections to digital submissions was significant. While set turnaround time is not a built-in feature of Artisan, some BCAs have found it useful to assure those lodging records that they will be reviewed within a given timeframe. One BCA described how rather than having a specific time to visit a site in-person, for digital records they provide an assurance that submitted work will be reviewed within 24 to 48 hours depending. As a result, inspectors have more control over how they structure their day.

That means you can do multiple within a day, and better structure your days and what you work on. We might do it straight up when they have submitted it or we might do it the next day.
- BCA interview respondent

The key flexibility Artisan introduces for plumbers was the ability to take the necessary photos and then move on to the next job without the need to try and coordinate the necessary people for an in-person inspection. Plumbers noted it was relatively easy to incorporate Artisan into their standard workday, with photographs required in the shot list taken as the work is undertaken. One plumber commenting that using Artisan “becomes part of the process of the job” (Plumber interview respondent).

Artisan changes how plumbers and BCAs work with each other

From the perspective of the plumbers we interviewed, the relationship with their BCA had either stayed the same, or improved, because of using Artisan. Where the relationship had improved, it was due to a greater level of positive interactions with BCA personnel (e.g. assistance with using the app, advice on other aspects of the building code).

It made it easier for us to work with the council and easier for them to work with us.
– Plumbing interview respondent

In contrast, some respondents noted that while they appreciated the greater sense of autonomy that Artisan afforded them, they missed the connections fostered by onsite inspections. One plumber noted that in-person inspections had been key in developing relationships with individuals at the BCA, as well as enabling them to demonstrate the quality of their work and establishing themselves as a trusted practitioner.

What is clear from interviews with all stakeholders is that strong BCA buy-in and support in using Artisan is essential to the success of the use of the platform.

Artisan provides opportunities for raising competency of plumbers

BCAs noted the significant opportunity for raising the capability of plumbers through the process of creating digital records in Artisan. Primarily, they saw this being achieved through the use of shot lists to draw attention to common pain points and critical aspects of a given plumbing task.

[We’re] almost forcing them to look through their lens as an inspector. And when we first started rolling out Artisan there were so many people saying “well I didn’t know that you looked at this” or … “I didn’t know that was non-compliant.” So it increased their level of knowledge.
- BCA interview respondent

This finding is supported by feedback from some plumbers. With continued use of Artisan to create digital records and receive feedback from inspectors, some plumbers noted an increased ability to pre-empt and remedy potential issues before finalising the digital record for the BCA. For example, after some initial “back and forth” with BCA inspectors, plumbers knew to include descriptions and ensure the subject of photos was clear. One plumber noted that they used feedback via Artisan as an opportunity to ask the BCA inspector about aspects of the building code they were unsure about.

Several plumbers discussed how they appreciated the raised level of accountability provided by using Artisan to create digital records. Some respondents noted that ensuring they have all items required in the shot lists supports a greater attention to detail with their work. One plumber noted that digital records created in Artisan was a useful way to check trainees’ work.

The digital records created using Artisan are being used by stakeholders outside of the immediate determination of compliance with the building code

The primary use of digital records created in Artisan is for remote inspections to determine compliance with the building code. However, respondents discussed other uses of the digital records.

One BCA respondent described how they are required to include rationale for compliance decisions. Digital records created in Artisan are being attached in their entirety as evidence for compliance decisions, and the respondent noted that this is a much more comprehensive rationale than had been included in the past. The detailed evidence and accompanying notes form a clear record of the work and the rationale for compliance decision, potentially aiding in future disputes.

Several plumbers described how Artisan was supporting them to keep far more detailed and relevant records than they had in the past. While it is common practice for some plumbers to take photographs of elements of work, this practice had been ad hoc, and these photos were seldom filed in any organised way. This more detailed, organised record of work was seen as a key benefit by many plumbers. Many of these respondents described referencing the digital record created in Artisan during discussions with builders and/or clients. One interviewee noted that they used the shots for social media advertising.

Some plumbers worried about the potential for misuse of the system, but BCAs were less concerned

Several plumbers noted the potential for misuse of the Artisan system. While they felt that digital records created in Artisan presented an accurate representation of their work, they were concerned others could take advantage of the high-trust process. Several respondents commented that it was possible to meet the requirements of the shot list while still misrepresenting or omitting relevant details (e.g. the fall of a pipe, or adjacent pipes that may pose a risk). To mitigate this concern, some respondents suggested quality assurance measures such as random in-person inspections. Note that BCAs can determine and update the requirements in shot lists to ensure necessary information is included.

BCAs described how pilot participants were selected based on their demonstrated capability, for example low fail rate over a sustained period. One BCA noted that they see Artisan as a useful tool to streamline how they work with their high-performing plumbers, and not as something that should be rolled out to everyone. They commented that if bad behaviour was detected, for example people looking to cut corners and reusing photos, they would have their ability to use Artisan removed and return to in-person inspections.

While those interviewed were broadly positive about Artisan, they also had suggestions for how it could be improved

Specific suggestions for changes to the Artisan application included:

  • A commonly cited issue was that uploading photos in areas without internet coverage was a significant issue. There was confusion as to how to manage this issue. Some plumbers took a series of photographs and then added them to Artisan when in an area with coverage. However, others noted that the application uses GPS data to record where photographs were taken, and they were reluctant to submit the shots away from the site. As a result, some of these plumbers reported that they scheduled in-person inspections for these sites. This finding reflects a common misunderstanding of mobile phone users of Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) data requiring cellular network coverage. Artisan gathers GPS data from a satellite and queues the photos with their GPS data to automatically upload when the mobile device is next connected to a cellular or Wi-Fi network.
  • Plumbers reported that the shot-lists were typically easy to use, with the sole exception of shots requiring depth measurement (e.g. the lowest point of a drain). These shots typically required more than one person to take; one to hold the measuring tape or spirit level and another to take the photo.
  • One plumber noted it would be useful to have the option to submit incomplete inspections, rather than having to wait until all the information was compiled.
  • Integration with existing systems was identified by both BCA and plumber interviewees. BCAs noted that currently there is no integration between Artisan and the various systems they use, and as a result manual transfer of information is required. Plumbers noted that when a remote inspection isn’t an option the ability to book inspections via the app would be useful.
  • One plumber noted that drainage jobs should be added to Artisan. Currently some of their work is in scope for Artisan, but the other work requires in-person inspections. Given these can be for the same building site, this can significantly reduce the efficiency gains of using Artisan. Note that drainage shot lists are included in Artisan, and it is at the discretion of BCAs whether these are used.