Funding round 2023/24 – June 2024

A total of $2.72m was allocated to 21 projects in this funding round, announced in June 2024.

Organisation Initiative name Description Funding awarded
Christchurch City Mission Energy Wellbeing Programme Supports, cares and advocates for those who are marginalised through social and economic factors, and who are at risk through unemployment, inadequate housing, family breakdown, addiction, financial difficulties or abuse. $153,500.00
Energise Ōtaki Charitable Trust Warm Up Ōtaki (and Beyond) Whānau to access Warmer Kiwi Homes subsidies, and provides equipment and small home repairs for warmer and drier homes. $33,500.00
ERANZ EnergyMate An in-home energy coaching programme delivered nationwide for households at risk of energy hardship, delivered by community-based, trained energy coaches and supported by the electricity industry. $350,000.00
Failoa Famili Trust No Place Like Home Energy Saver Pilot Uses a Pasifika strength-based holistic model of care to integrate the initiative with an extensive list of networks from church and community cohorts to raise awareness of energy efficiency and sustainability for Pacific People’s families. $153,500.00
Habitat for Humanity Healthy Homes Programme A whānau-centric, integrated support service that upskills and resources households referred by health and community providers to manage and improve the health, warmth, dryness and energy efficiency of their homes. $139,900.00
Mahu Vision Community Trust Kauarerekean Te Mita Nte Auti Supports the pastoral care of the Kiribati community in Mahurangi through the delivery of workshops, training, energy assessments and in-home energy coaching visits. $93,500.00
Mana Tāhuna Mana Tāhuna Energy Hardship Programme Provides educational wrap-around support to combat energy hardship. Kaimahi will engage kanohi ki te kanohi and create energy efficiency plans for whānau to ensure they have pathways to a cleaner warmer home. $53,500.00
Northpower Home Energy Education Programme Continuation The Home Energy Education Programme (HEEP) aims to reduce electricity bills and provide energy saving advice and devices to select Northland households experiencing energy hardship. $123,000.00
O Le Nu'u Charitable Trust Pasifika Power (Extended) Provides better outcomes for Pasifika families and individuals by offering in-home coaching and community workshops. $152,260.00
SEA - Sustainable Energy Advice Upscaling Home Energy Assessment Tool (Whānau HEAT kits) across Aotearoa Delivery of HEAT kits to whānau in their homes and community hui in four regions, and training community energy navigators $50,600
Sustain & Enable Overcoming Energy Poverty Amongst Māori and Pacifica Whānau in Auckland Provides targeted in-home support for Māori and Pacific People’s whānau in Auckland, and remote support for those in remote, hard to reach areas. $153,500.00
Sustainability Options BOP 20Degrees Energy and Wellbeing Initiative An evolution of previous SEEC funding, the programme will haerenga (journey) with whānau over elements that will positively influence the whānau’s “state of mauri” – housing visits, action plans, DIY energy activities, workshops, and investing in community. $400,000
Sustainability Trust An End to Energy Hardship A range of in-home advice visits, workshops and hui, low-cost interventions and wrap-around services from community partners will be used to address the drivers of energy hardship. $142,260.00
Te Hono O Ngā Waka He whare āhuru o te tai Poutini A kaupapa Māori initiative centred around holistic and relationship-based support for energy wellbeing solutions across Te Tai Poutini. Provides culturally-appropriate whānau-led solutions to energy use and efficiency, education and empowerment to create warm, dry kāinga. $138,500.00
Te Paatu Ki Kauhanga Trust Board Ahikāroa – promoting energy wellbeing to whānau in the Far North Aims to support whānau transition from energy hardship to energy wellbeing by providing advice and information on how to create an energy-efficient home. $120,500.00
Te Piki Oranga Revitalise whānau for their future Provide education in communities to improve energy efficiency in homes, primarily targeting whānau experiencing energy hardship who are unaware help is available. Whānau will be educated on ways to improve their energy bills and equip them with helpful technologies and low-cost energy efficiency devices. $75,000.00
Te Pūtahi-Nui-o-Rehua Charitable Trust Te Titī o Te Rau Aroha This project aims to support whānau to learn about electricity bills, appliance usages and strategies to reduce costs in energy usage. $18,500.00
Tu Kotahi Māori Asthma and Research Trust He Kainga Harikoa This project aims to support energy efficiency education, practical interventions, repairs, and referrals for whānau as well as energy wellbeing training for staff. $131,260
Vaka Tautua National Energy Hardship Solution for Pasifika Aiga Supports Pacific People’s families and communities, effectively engaging with them on how to make energy work better for them in their homes – providing energy education along with energy-saving devices. $100,600.00
Whaiora Whanui Trust Kāinga Tu Tangata Ora Whānau are visited in their whare to assess their current living situation, share information, and educate to support creating and maintaining a healthy whare. Where necessary, interventions and support will be provided. $32,500.00
WISE Charitable Trust Energy Wellbeing Community Wānanga and Warmer Homes Illness Prevention Installation Team (WHIPIT) Taranaki Delivers energy wānanga (education seminars) and supports whānau through WHIPIT, which provides education and remediation or repairs directly to individual homes. $104,500.00
Total     $2,720,380.00

Last updated: 27 June 2024