Offshore renewable energy

As part of Electrify NZ, the Government has committed to delivering a regulatory regime for offshore renewable energy to enable investment and deliver clean energy at scale.

Developing a regulatory regime

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is working on implementing a regulatory regime for offshore renewable energy. The regime focuses on addressing gaps in our current system to enable development of our offshore renewable energy resources. Getting our regulatory settings right will allow development to begin as early as possible, while protecting the interests of New Zealanders now and in the future.

The Offshore Renewable Energy Bill has been introduced

The Government has introduced the Offshore Renewable Energy Bill. Submissions are now being accepted (until 6 Feb 2025). Further information on the Select Committee process is available from the New Zealand Parliament website:

Offshore Renewable Energy Bill(external link) — New Zealand Parliament

The Bill delivers on the Government’s commitment to introduce a regulatory regime for offshore renewable energy, as set out in Electrify NZ.

The Bill aims to:

  • give developers greater certainty to invest
  • allow the selection of developments that best meet New Zealand’s national interests
  • manage the risks to the Crown and the public from offshore renewable energy developments.

Read the Offshore Renewable Energy Bill

Offshore Renewable Energy Bill(external link) — New Zealand Parliament

The design of the regulatory regime is summarised in the Departmental Disclosure Statement for the Bill and in the overview below.

Departmental Disclosure Statement: Offshore Renewable Energy Bill(external link)  — NZ Legislation Disclosures

Download the PDF version:

Departmental Disclosure Statement: Offshore Renewable Energy Bill [PDF, 212 KB]

The Bill reflects key decisions the Government announced in August 2024 on the design of an offshore renewable regulatory regime. 

Note: Cabinet agreed in June that the Fast-track Approvals legislation would be amended, so that applications for marine consents and resource consents relating to offshore renewable energy projects would be eligible to apply once the offshore renewable energy regulatory regime is in force. This is not included in the Offshore Renewable Energy Bill, as the Fast-track Approvals legislation was not in place at the time the Bill was introduced. The intention is to add it to the Bill during the select committee process.

MBIE is currently developing regulations that will sit alongside the Bill. The aim is that the first tranche of regulations will be in place as soon as possible following the passing of the Bill, to enable the opening of the first offshore renewable energy feasibility permit round in late 2025.

Offshore renewable energy - Regime on a page

Cabinet decisions on the design of the regime

Indicative timeline for the proposed regulatory regime 

Below is the indicative timeline for the development of the regime. The timeline is indicative only and is subject to final Cabinet decisions. Timeframes will be brought forward where possible.

Milestone/Activity Indicative timing
Introduction of Bill By the end of 2024
Select Committee process Once the Bill passes first reading
Passing of the Bill Mid-2025
Secondary legislation in force and permit application guidance issued After Bill passes*
First feasibility round initiated By late 2025
First feasibility permits granted 2026

*Secondary legislation will be prepared alongside the Bill to enable implementation as soon as possible.

Consultation on an offshore renewable energy regime

In late 2023, MBIE sought feedback on proposed regulations to enable renewable energy development at sea. This was the second discussion document for public consultation on proposals for offshore renewable energy regulation.

Public consultation on this document, as well as a package of discussion documents to advance New Zealand’s energy transition, ended on 2 November 2023. We received over 50 submissions in relation to offshore renewable energy development. 

Between December 2022 and April 2023, MBIE consulted on proposed approaches to enabling feasibility studies for offshore renewable energy developments. MBIE received 59 submissions from a wide range of stakeholders and iwi. 

Consultation on advancing New Zealand’s energy transition

MBIE also undertook targeted consultation on cost recovery for the offshore renewable energy regime in November 2024. Developers with a declared interest in New Zealand and with relevant iwi and hapū were invited to provide views on the proposed fees and levies to fund the regulator functions for the offshore renewable energy regime.  

Read the discussion documents and a summary of what we heard

Contact us

MBIE is engaging regularly with those who have expressed an interest in the development of the offshore renewable energy regime. To be kept informed of these opportunities and to receive updates on progress please register your interest:

Register your interest

This page will be updated with significant milestones and developments as the work progresses.

Last updated: 04 February 2025