Section 1: Key information

This section outlines the context of this Request for Applications (RFA), the timeline for applicants, who to send questions and applications to, the key requirements in sections 3 and 4, as well as the terms and conditions of the RFA.


This Request for Applications (RFA) is an invitation to suitably qualified providers of external dispute resolution services to apply to the Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs for approval of a new dispute resolution scheme under the Grocery Industry Competition Act 2023 (an “approved scheme”).

The purpose of the approved scheme will be to resolve certain disputes arising in the New Zealand grocery industry.

Our indicative timeline

The following table shows an indicative timeline for key process steps leading to establishing an approved scheme.

Steps Date
Request for Applications released 10 July 2023
Cut-off date to indicate interest 2pm Friday 28 July 2023
All questions or requests for clarification due 2pm Friday 4 August 2023
Deadline for applications 2pm Friday 18 August 2023
Applicants advised of outcome Expected in late September 2023
MBIE begins consultation on proposed draft rules (see Section 5.3 below) Expected in late September 2023
Consultation on proposed draft rules ends Expected in late October 2023

All dates and times are dates and times in New Zealand.

How to contact us

All enquiries, indications of interest, and questions or requests for clarification must be directed to our Point of Contact:

Indications of interest & questions or requests for clarification

Please indicate your interest in providing an application by Friday 28 July.

Questions or requests for clarification must be provided before Friday 4 August, responses may be written or discussed at a virtual meeting. Any information that MBIE provides in response to a question or request for clarification will be shared with all parties that indicated an interest.

Developing and submitting your application

This is a closed, competitive process. The RFA sets out the step-by-step process and conditions that apply.

Please take time to read and understand the RFA. In particular:

  • Develop a strong understanding of our requirements detailed in Section 3.
  • In structuring your application consider how it will be evaluated. Section 4 describes our evaluation approach.
  • If anything is unclear or you have a question, ask us to explain by emailing the Point of Contact.
  • Check that you have provided all the information requested.
  • Ensure you get your application to us before the deadline for receiving it.

Address for submitting your application

Applications must be submitted electronically to the Point of Contact:

Any application submitted electronically before the deadline of 2pm Friday 18 August 2023 will be considered, regardless of whether an indication of interest was provided.

Applications sent by post or fax, or hard copy delivered to our office, will not be accepted.

Our RFA process, terms and conditions

The Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs will decide which proposed dispute resolution scheme, if any, to approve for the grocery industry. This means that the final decision does not sit with MBIE. However, MBIE will advise the Minister about applications received and make a recommendation to the Minister on the preferred proposed scheme based on this RFA process.

Later changes to the RFA or RFA process

If, after publishing this RFA, we need to change anything about the RFA, or RFA process, or want to give providers additional information we will let all applicants that have indicated interest know by emailing them.

Last updated: 12 July 2023