Understanding NZ businesses and their dealings with government
Part of Better for Business’ role is to understand and support the diverse needs of New Zealand businesses. Stats NZ’s annually updated business demography statistics and small business factsheets from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment provide an introduction to understanding New Zealand’s unique business landscape.
On this page
Small Businesses factsheet
The Small Businesses in 2022 factsheet is good as a reference guide. It brings together previously released data from a range of Stats NZ business surveys and summarises the results as they relate to small businesses specifically.
Beyond business demography
The ‘Beyond business demography’ factsheet aims to combine Stats NZ data with behavioural data from our own research, adding an additional layer of insight into what New Zealand businesses look like and how they operate.
This is a snapshot of the information we consider when seeking to better understand the diverse situations and needs of New Zealand businesses.
Business dealings with government
This factsheet provides a short introduction on how businesses engage with government based on findings from our annual Business Research Monitor.
Date published: March 2024 – Based on data collected during 2023.
The B4B Business Research Monitor
Running since 2013, the annual B4B Research Monitor provides a unique system-wide view of how New Zealand businesses experience government (both local and central).
The research provides insight into the world of government from a business’ perspective and is the only research of this type in New Zealand.
For more information about our Business Research Monitor or to request a copy of any of our reports, contact us at betterforbusiness@mbie.govt.nz.