Consumer credit research

This page provides research, evaluation and monitoring in relation to consumer credit including evaluation of the Credit Contract and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA).

Consumer credit reforms being developed 2024

MBIE procured a consumer survey into borrowing during the 2023 calendar year. This was both to enable comparison with a similar survey completed in 2020 (concerning borrowing during the 2019 year) and to provide a baseline for any further reforms to consumer credit law that will be implemented in the coming years. 

The following report summarises the results of this consumer credit survey:

Consumer credit reforms 2019-2021

In 2020, MBIE procured a consumer survey into borrowing during the 2019 calendar year. This provided a baseline for reforms to consumer credit law that were implemented between December 2019 and December 2021. 

The following report summarises the results of this consumer credit survey:

Consumer credit reforms 2015

The CCCFA Baseline Evaluation Report presents the findings of research on the consumer credit market. It is intended to represent the state of the market before the June 2015 reforms led to any changes in behaviour.

The findings of this report will aid ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the 2015 consumer credit reforms.

CCCFA baseline evaluation report [PDF, 1.5 MB]

The CCCFA Baseline Evaluation report draws on findings from the following 2 reports:

CCCFA baseline consumer survey 2015 [PDF, 2.3 MB]

Desk-based lender survey 2015 [PDF, 832 KB]

The following 3 research reports informed the 2009-2015 review of consumer credit law:

Background statistics for considering credit issues 2011  [PDF, 1.7 MB]

Using a third tier lender: experiences of NZ borrowers 2011  [PDF, 1.3 MB]

Third-tier lender desk-based research 2011 [PDF, 234 KB] 

Last updated: 02 July 2024