Focus area 5: the objective of the work health and safety regulatory system

We are seeking feedback on whether the work health and safety regulatory system is currently meeting its objective.

It is important that a regulatory system has clear objectives, and that it delivers clear benefits to New Zealanders over time that outweigh any costs or negative effects.

We think that the objective of the work health and safety regulatory system should be to protect people from harm, in a way that is clear, effective, flexible and durable, proportionate to the risks, and balances risks with costs. Each element of this objective is explained below.


The duties, obligations, and rights of businesses and workers are understood and provide certainty. 

The responsibilities and the accountability of the regulators (and third parties with roles within the system) are understood and provide certainty.


The work health and safety regulatory system achieves its objectives and minimises unintended consequences.

Flexible and durable

The work health and safety system is responsive and can deal with changes such as in risk, technology, and ways of working.

Proportionate to the risks 

Regulation and the regulator’s actions are sufficient to address the risk. 

Balances risks with costs 

Compliance costs are minimised.