Jobs Online

Jobs Online is a regular data series that measures changes in online job advertisements from four internet job boards – Seek, Trade Me Jobs, Education Gazette and Kiwi Health Jobs.

Jobs Online monthly data release

Please note:

  • We have made improvements to the data processing pipeline. We have compared the monthly data series using both data processing pipelines, and the All Vacancies Index is very similar. There are minor differences in the breakdowns of region, industry, occupation and skill level, but these do not change the overall patterns of the time series.
  • The format of the data has changed slightly, this could interfere with automated systems if you use them. All time series will need to be updated as there are minor changes in the back series results.
  • A methodology document detailing these changes will be available on 31 July alongside the quarterly release.

Jobs Online Monthly Unadjusted Series from May 2007 to June 2024 [CSV, 38 KB]

Jobs Online quarterly release

Overview of key trends

  • Online job advertising continued to fall in the March 2024 quarter (down 5.4 per cent) and over the year to March 2024 (down 26.7 per cent). Firms stated they intend to hire more people over the latest quarter, as measured by ANZ Business Outlook, but demand has softened compared to December 2023 (down from a net 7.0 to a net 3.5 per cent intending to hire more people).
  • Online job advertising fell for all industries. The biggest quarterly falls were in the IT, Manufacturing and Construction industries, while the smallest fall was for the Education industry.
  • Online job advertising also fell for all occupation groups, with the biggest quarterly falls in the Professionals, Machinery operators and drivers and Labourer occupation groups.
  • Online job advertising declined across all five skill levels compared to the previous quarter, with Highly-skilled jobs seeing the biggest fall (down 8.0 per cent).
  • Compared to the previous quarter, online job advertising decreased in all regions. The Wellington region saw the biggest fall while Gisborne/Hawke’s Bay saw the smallest fall due to growth in the Hospitality and Health care industries partially offsetting other falls.

Jobs online quarterly report – March 2024 [PDF, 1.2 MB]

Quarterly release data files

Note: The file 'Jobs Online Detailed occupational data' is now a csv file and the formats of the variable names have changed.

Jobs Online Detailed occupational data – March 2024 quarter [CSV, 11 KB]

Jobs Online Seasonally adjusted data – March 2024 quarter [XLSX, 82 KB]

Jobs Online Vacancies trend quarterly [XLSX, 86 KB]

Jobs Online Vacancies by Industry seasonally adjusted quarterly [XLSX, 171 KB]

Jobs Online Vacancies by Industry trend quarterly [XLSX, 171 KB]

Jobs Online Vacancies by Occupation seasonally adjusted quarterly [XLSX, 140 KB]

Jobs Online Vacancies by Occupation trend quarterly [XLSX, 141 KB]

Jobs Online Vacancies by Skilled/Unskilled seasonally adjusted quarterly [XLSX, 45 KB]

Jobs Online Vacancies by Skilled/Unskilled trend quarterly [XLSX, 44 KB]

Jobs Online Vacancies by Skills seasonally adjusted quarterly [XLSX, 92 KB]

Jobs Online Vacancies by Skills trend quarterly [XLSX, 92 KB]

Jobs Online Quarterly AVI growth charts [CSV, 45 KB]

All the trend data in the above Excel files is available in this consolidated file [CSV, 733 KB]

About Jobs Online

This report highlights the latest Jobs Online data up to June 2023. Jobs Online monitors changes in an index of online job advertisements, not the number of actual online job advertisements. It uses information from online job advertisements from 4 internet job boards: SEEK, Trade Me Jobs, the Education Gazeze and Kiwi Health Jobs.

Comparisons have been made between June 2023 and the previous quarter (March 2023) and with the previous year (June 2022).

Online job advertisements are a proxy for all job advertisements as there are other forms of advertising. Online job advertisements are also a proxy for job vacancies, a key indicator of labour demand, as some vacancies are not advertised. Duplicate advertisements within each job board, across job boards and months are removed.

The relationship between online job advertisements and labour demand is complex, particularly when disaggregated at an industry, occupation and regional level. For example, an increase in job advertisements in a particular industry may indicate the industry is expanding, and looking for new workers, or the industry has a high rate of turnover or churn (workers are moving between businesses, but overall employment is not necessarily increasing). Likewise, a decline in online job advertisements can signal reduced employment in an industry, or that the industry is using alternatives to online advertising in their hiring processes (such as word-of-mouth or social networks). Alternatively, a decline in online advertisements may signal an industry has less turnover than before.

This report uses the All Vacancies Index (AVI) to measure changes. The AVI is calculated by using raw unweighted data from the 4 internet job boards mentioned above. Comparisons using the AVI can be distorted by small numbers of online job advertisements.

With these caveats in mind, data from Jobs Online tracks well in terms of the direction of change of other labour market indicators, such as the unemployment rate.

The monthly unadjusted vacancies from May 2007 to June 2023 are now published online: Jobs Online monthly unadjusted data. This data shows the monthly patterns of online job advertising.

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Last updated: 15 July 2024