
Timeframe: immediate, short, medium and long term

The RSLG helps to coordinate a connected-up approach to tertiary education provision in the Bay of Plenty provision.

The RSLG formalises and coordinates the collaboration of providers in the region under a collective impact model.

RSLG works with proposed collective impact group and BOPTIS partners to refresh map of current tertiary education provision in BOP.

The RSLG supports the proposed collective impact group and iwi partners to create a regional investment plan on tertiary education provision in the BOP.

Support place-based transition programmes that pathway residents from education to training, employment or higher education.

RSLG works with local place-based providers to create a stocktake/map of place-based transition programmes in the BOP that pathways residents from education to training, employment or higher education

RSLG considers the findings from Bay of Plenty Tertiary Intentions Strategy and identifies any outstanding recommendations regarding transitions support and pathways that the RSLG can support for delivery, e.g. Education New Zealand’s pathways mapping portal.

Remove barriers to accessing education and training in the Bay of Plenty.

Support funding for technology infrastructure both in terms of internet provision and access to devices.

Support wider provision and uptake of licencing programmes.