Timeframe: short, medium and long term
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Define BOP cross-sector seasonality workforce patterns [horticulture, forestry, aquaculture, tourism, agriculture] for the full region to better inform future planning.
Undertake research to build a complete picture of the seasonality patterns across BOP (incl FTEs, skills, workforce demography including migrant workers, pay rates) to then validate if under-employment is an issue or an opportunity.
Expected outcomes
- Industry sectors will be better informed and therefore better able to plan.
- Whānau, hapū, iwi and Māori organisations/economy/industries will be better informed and better able to plan.
Key stakeholders
- Bay of Connections
- EDAs
- Peak Bodies
- Te Kāhui Mātauranga
- Toi Kai Rawa
- Whenua Māori cluster
- Pakihi Māori
- Whānau, hapū, iwi, and hapori Māori
Support Māori and non-Māori sector groups/industry clusters/large employers to develop their own bespoke micro-credential/on-the-job training programmes.
Identify potential groups/clusters that could develop in-house micro-credential programmes.
Support the cluster to build/implement the micro-credential programme.
Advocate to TEC to fund the programme.
Expected outcomes
- Workers will be empowered with transferable skills.
- Productivity and employer/employee satisfaction will be increased as a result of better skill development/matching.
- More workers will have begun a learning journey.
Key stakeholders
- Tane Mahuta
- Māori Kiwifruit Growers
- Miro
- Rūnanga
- Iwi and Māori health providers
- whenua Māori owners
Support pakihi and employers to deliver richer employment and learning experiences, thereby increasing skills, job satisfaction, kaimahi/employee retention and productivity.
Develop a business case for a mentor/learner in-house programme; with older workers sharing skills/learning with newer/younger workers.
Expected outcomes
- Improved transfer of skills and knowledge will lead to quicker learning, improved satisfaction and greater productivity.
- Strong Tuakana-Teina relationships; confident rangatahi.
Key stakeholders
- Iwi Rūnanga
- Seeka
- Tāne Māhuta
- Whakatōhea Mussels Ōpōtiki Ltd
- Rotoiti 15
- Rotoma
- Miro
- Whenua Māori operations
Improve pastoral care services for seasonal workers to support needs outside the workplace.
Expected outcomes
- Productivity, employee/employer satisfaction and employee retention will all be increased.
- Kia Rangatira ai ngā whānau.
Key stakeholders
- Seeka
- Tāne Māhuta
- Māori Kiwifruit Growers
- Miro
- Rūnanga
- Iwi and Māori health providers
- Whenua Māori owners
Identify services and programmes that can reduce the barriers to people entering seasonal work.
Research to better identify what the real and perceived barriers are, including drivers licencing, digital capability, accommodation and transport, and earn while you learn initiatives.
Expected outcomes
- Identification of barriers will allow plans to be put in place to remove those barriers.
Key stakeholders
- EDAs
- BOP Regional Council
- Rural Broadbank Initiative
- Driving for Change
- Bluelight/NZ Police
- Whānau, hapū, iwi and hapori Māori, Te Kāhui Mātauranga
Identify private and public sector initiatives and programmes to mitigate barriers identified in the action directly above.
Expected outcomes
- Identification of existing initiatives and programmes will prevent duplication and ensure any new initiatives are targeting identified gaps in service provision.
Key stakeholders
- EDAs
- Bay of Connections
- Toi Kai Rawa
Form a working group to look at potential models for multi-employer employment opportunities for seasonal work.
Expected outcomes
- Identification and validation of multi-employer employment programme/s for BOP.
Key stakeholders
- First Union
- Business and industry representatives
- Toi Kai Rawa
- Council of Trade Unions
Explore the impacts of automation, robotics and AI for the future workforce, and identify skills required to transition into these roles of the future.
Research impacts of automation, robotics and AI on skill requirements in primary sector workforce across the BOP.
Expected outcomes
- Greater understanding of skill requirements will enable more targeted education and training.
Key stakeholders
- Crown Research Partner
- Industry Peak Bodies
- EDAs
- Council of Trade Unions