He rāpopototanga mō ngā mahi ā-rohe me ngā tautohunga ā-motu 2022 – Summary of regional actions and national recommendations for 2022
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Older workers 50+
Regional actions
We will lead a regional subgroup taking a collaborative approach to supporting older workers to participate in our region’s economy. This group will:
- increase our shared understanding of older workers.
- collaborate to develop and deliver projects that support employers.
We will also support the delivery of four actions in the Nelson City Council’s ‘City for All Ages’ strategy, that identify ways to help older people to thrive in Nelson Tasman’s workforce.
City for all ages website(external link)
National recommendations
We strongly support all 11 actions set out in the national Older Workers Employment Action Plan (OWEAP), and endorse the recommendations in this plan for Tertiary Education Commission (TEC), specifically regarding the funding of actions 1, 3, 4, and 10 (see pages 12-14 of the OWEAP).
Older Workers Employment Action Plan [PDF 299KB](external link)
Rangatahi (young people aged 15-24)
Regional actions
We will deliver a plan to engage with rangatahi, to hear and understand their needs, and support their transition from education into the workforce. We will:
- work with youth organisations to collate better data
- strengthen connections and information-sharing between education providers and employers
- explore programmes that support rangatahi into the workforce, including mentoring by older workers
- seek to specifically hear from Māori and Pasifika youth.
National recommendations
We endorse the work of the national Youth Employment Action Plan, and specifically support Action 10, which aims to increase the uptake of driver licensing. We also recommend that:
- funding E2E employment programmes continues, and the number of these regional roles is increased
- central government agencies undertake to improve their youth data and reporting
- central and local government specifically improve collection of data for iwi/Māori to enable evidence- based service decisions, especially for rangatahi.

Construction industry
Regional actions
We will establish working groups to help implement these actions developed by representatives of the regional construction sector, including work to:
- promote trades in schools
- support research with local youth and their whānau
- attract women and other under-represented groups into all areas of the construction workforce
- advocate for skills pipelines that support regional capital projects
- support local programmes that deliver construction training for Mā
National recommendations
We recommend the TEC:
- funds the Waihanga Ara Rau WDC to maintain and further develop the Workforce Information Platform
- works with the Ministry of Education to improve rangatahi access to car driver licence training.
Workforce Information Platform(external link)
Aquaculture industry
Regional actions
We will partner with government and industry to deliver the National Aquaculture Workforce Strategy. We’ll also:
- support national collaboration and co-ordination with other RSLG that have regional aquaculture workforces
- support NRDA in their work leading the development of a Te Tauihu Oceans Economy Strategy.
National recommendations
We recommend the TEC:
- supports NZQA to update qualifications and funds NMIT / Te Pukenga to deliver them
- funds the establishment of an aquaculture apprenticeship and delivering an aquaculture degree in the Nelson Tasman region
- funds an E2E resource in Nelson Tasman, focused on the oceans economy.
Further national recommendations
We also recommend that TEC actively works with Te Pūkenga to consider and reflect the following in the application of the new Unified Funding System for vocational education, especially in regard to the Nelson Tasman region:
- additional regional apprenticeship places
- increased alternative modes of vocational training delivery
- improved guidance and pastoral care for new students
- regional training for employability and work-readiness skills for both rangatahi and older workers
- regional training in digital skills for all people
- regional professional development training for managers
- establishment of Te Tiriti training for organisations interacting with Māori
- Mā Māori, mō Māori, ki a Māori solutions to workforce and skills issues.
Introduction to the Unified Funding System (UFS)(external link) — Tertiary Education Commission