Case studies
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Maunga Hikurangi
Despite the existing demands on our workforce and challenges for our people, there is some excellent work already happening right across Tairāwhiti. Organisations from around our region have redefined success as investing in people and creating prosperous outcomes for kaimahi. This, in turn, creates better outcomes for our wider communities.
There is a lot more that can be done to create access to skills and training opportunities for our smaller, rural populations. However, numerous organisations have worked to create pathways for their kaimahi within the current system. They have achieved this by employing locally, providing pastoral support, promoting personal and professional development, leveraging off existing opportunities, and upskilling wherever possible.
The organisations spotlighted within the following case studies have experienced success because of their ‘people first’ mentalities. They have created a blueprint for what is possible and have illuminated the path to progress and prosperity going forward.
Ehara taku maunga i te maunga haere, he maunga tū tonu.
This statement represents the fact that Tairāwhiti has a long, proud history of maintaining their own rangatiratanga. This is as important today as it was 170 years ago and is reflected in the fact that whānau living on the coast want to live, train and work in their rohe. Having to unnecessarily travel for training undermines their aspirations and ability to be self-determining when it comes to work.