Key priority actions
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Waikanae Beach
The following actions, set out the work currently underway to implement the recommendations made in the ‘Tini ngā hua maha ngā huarahi’ Creating Pathways, Workforce Development Plan 2021. This plan was written on behalf of the CARE forum by Trust Tairāwhiti.
- Increase in-region wood processing capacity
- Introduce an advanced manufacturing qualification pathway
- Support the implementation of the Tairāwhiti Growers Association
- Operationalise a horticulture seasonal work calendar
- Engage Marae to develop location based horticulture programmes
- Development of a transport & logistics ‘training hub’
- Increase training provision in the tourism sector
- Understand the impact of Covid-19 on the hospitality sector
- Build a tourism skills programme
- Understand the impact of Covid-19 on the event sector
- Increase exposure to the civil construction sector for school leavers
- Increase collaboration across the civil construction sector
- Regular workforce requirement forecasting (all 5 sectors)