Understanding dispute resolution
This section will help you gather information about the underlying issues driving complaints and disputes, and the circumstances under which they arise and are resolved.
On this page
How this section will help
The information you gather using this section will help you:
- determine what might be involved in addressing complaints and disputes in your sector or industry
- identify the appropriate approach for addressing complaints and disputes and preventing issues from arising
- minimise how many complaints escalate to disputes
- resolve those disputes as early as possible.
In this section
Understanding how disputes arise
This page explains how all disputes follow a life cycle or pathway and provides a series of questions to help you analyse the types of issues.
Understanding the parties to disputes
This page helps you analyse the parties to a dispute, their interests, their needs, the outcomes they seek, the relationship between them including if there is an imbalance of power.
Understanding existing dispute resolution arrangements
Before designing a new dispute resolution scheme or improving an existing scheme, it is essential to consider what arrangements may already be in place for resolving disputes.
Understanding the wider context for disputes
Disputes happen for lots of different reasons. Many factors can influence disputes including policies, legislation, and contractual arrangements.