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Discussion paper: Operational governance for trans-Tasman e-Invoicing framework

Published: 17 Oct 2018

This paper provides information about the trans-Tasman electronic invoicing (e-Invoicing) collaboration and seeks feedback on early thinking about operational governance options for trans-Tasman e-Invoicing arrangements. The feedback we receive will inform the further development of options and related advice to Australian and New Zealand (A-NZ) governments.


PDF, 616KB, 12 pages

Barriers to generating international income: Evidence from the Business Operations Survey

Published: 1 Jan 2017

Examines the level of interest of firms in becoming internationally engaged, and how the barriers they perceive differ by their level of interest and experience. Also examines how firms' future entry propensity to engage internationally differs according to reported barriers, motivations and strategies


PDF, 3.5MB, 46 pages