Market forecast summary 2019: Australia (2018 - 2025)
Published: 16 May 2019Summary of forecasts visitors from Australia: total arrivals, purpose of visit, total spend and length of stay
PDF, 177KB, 1 page
Summary of forecasts visitors from Australia: total arrivals, purpose of visit, total spend and length of stay
PDF, 177KB, 1 page
Appendix to the Evaluation of demographic profiles of selected industries and occupations: 1996 2013 report.
PDF, 4.9MB, 42 pages
This report provides a demographic overview of 100 occupations for the period 1996 -2013. It includes the majority of occupation listed in the Long Term Skills Shortage List (LTSSL, effective since February 2018) and Immediate Skill Shortage List (ISSL, effective since June 2018).
PDF, 3.6MB, 107 pages
Cabinet Economic Development Committee Minute of Decision for International Labour Organisation's Forced Labour Protocol 2014: Release of Discussion Document.
PDF, 587KB, 2 pages
MBIE is leading a report looking at Optimising Tourism New Zealand’s future role and contribution to New Zealand (Tourism New Zealand Report).
PDF, 505KB, 6 pages
Cabinet Paper for Undertaking Public Consultation on the Forced Labour Protocol.
PDF, 1.7MB, 40 pages
Cabinet minute for the Refugee Quota Programme: Reallocation of 150 places not required by Australia, April 2019
PDF, 444KB, 2 pages
This paper seeks agreement to reallocate the 150 places that are set aside within New Zealand’s 2018/19 refugee quota for the purpose of resettling refugees from Australia’s offshore processing centres.
PDF, 925KB, 5 pages
Sets out the working underlying the proposed levels of the ETA fees
PDF, 733KB, 7 pages
Seeking agreement to the details of the ETA, including regulatory change.
PDF, 277KB, 18 pages
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